I never knew how much love my heart could hold until someone called me "mommy."
-- Author Unknown
Look at all the wonderful gifts I received from my little boy...he is so thoughtful! Grammie and he made this potholder for me. I promise his hand really doesn't look like that...but it shows you how hard it is for him to sit still!
He picked out some flowers( and a balloon) with his daddy.
And he can't wait to help me dig a hole to plant these flowers...
On Mother's Day, I was able to sleep in while Zippy and Grevin went to the store to get flowers, mimosas, and food for our picnic lunch at the Oakland Zoo. Grammie and Grandpa went with us, and we met up with the Wings to check out all the amazing animals. Auntie Zephy even came to hang out with us for awhile, too!
Grey and I riding the train
Gotta love those kisses!
This was Grevin's first trip to the zoo. I think he really enjoyed it even though it rained (or I guess I should say because of the rain because there were lots of puddles to play in!)
He really liked the stairs where you go to see the lion...
The sticks by railroad crossing
Going through the tunnel with his dad
And looking at the "wild" animals in the enclosures..
(he was so fascinated by the Homo sapien hosing down the bird cage)
He did like playing with the lion...as long as he had his stick!
As you can tell, he really wasn't too interested in the zoo for the animals...and would have had more fun playing in the backyard :) I guess we will wait a little longer before our next visit so he can really enjoy the zoo for what is there!
It was a nice Mother's Day and it was fun hanging out with the people who mean so much to me. I really love being a mother to this cute little boy!