Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Old Wives' Tales

Zippy and I are not going to find out early if we are having a boy or a girl. If anyone asks Zippy, you get your normal Zippy response. When they ask, he responds that yes, we are going to find out because we will have to change the diapers at some point.

Of course everyone has their prediction on what it will be. According to one old wives' tale, if the heart rate is under 140, it is a boy; if it is over 140 it is a girl. Well, at our 8 week appointment it was 140, at 12 weeks it was 180, and at 16 weeks it was 160. If it is true, we are having a girl. BUT...according to all the other tales you can find online, we are having a boy. Where do they come up with this stuff??!