Sunday, August 26, 2012

Zoe: 18 months

Dearest Zozo:
It is official. You are a full blown toddler! Your two favorite words are "NOO-ah!"
 and "MINE!!!" You climb anything you can. You get into anything you can. You try to do anything your brother can. You are exhausting!! Take just this morning. You climbed onto the back of the lazy-boy chair, perched precariously on top, reaching out for a cup that daddy had left on the book shelf. Once I got you down and I went back to getting breakfast ready, you climbed onto the dining room table and proceeded to try to put on one of my necklaces that I had out to wear today...and broke it sending beads EVERYWHERE. I cleaned it up and while I was in there, you grabbed Grey's water cup (you moved the chair out, climbed up and got onto the table in the kitchen where his water was from breakfast) and proceeded to walk around, so proud of yourself drinking out of a big kid cup, until Grey noticed and tried to get it back from you. You ran screaming "MINE!!!" spilling the water all over the place. You helped me clean up that mess but while I was trying to finish packing up a bag for today, you came out with the tooth paste (opened) and trying to put it on your tooth brush. You had managed to carry your stool up 4 stairs and get onto the bathroom counter to help yourself. All of this happened in less than an hour!! I am glad you think you are self-sufficient...but seriously??! It is a good thing you are sooo cute!!

When you are not getting into trouble, you are busy following your brother around doing anything he can do. His favorite thing to do now is jump off our bed. He always is asking me to watch...and it wasn't long before you were standing on the edge of the bed yelling "WATCH!!" and throwing yourself off of the bed, too. You are going to give me a heart attack! It is pretty cute though that you say "watch" now anytime you want to jump. I was playing with you in great grandma's pool the other day and you kept saying "watch!! watch! " and pointing to the edge of the pool.  You have realized Grey can walk down the stairs without scooting on his bottom or going feet you have decided you can do it, too. I think you take a year or two off my life every time you do it! If Grey kicks a ball, you kick a ball. If Grey yells, you yell louder. If Grey comes over to cuddle with me, you make sure you are in the middle of it!

You love to jump, you love to run, you love to climb, you love to slide, you just love being very active. You also LOVE LOVE LOVE reading books. We don't really watch Sesame Street (the only thing I have seen you actually sit and watch was the Olympic gymnastic floor routine and then you proceed to imitate them to the best of your ability) but we have a couple Elmo dolls and books at our house and you love to read anything with Elmo in it. You could look at books all day. You also love love love to accessorize. Buckets on the head, hats, shoes(doesn't matter who's), necklaces, gloves, watches, jackets, scarves, etc...anything you can put on your body.

You are pretty good at entertaining yourself and have amazing patience with trying to figure things really don't get easily frustrated. You also must have no pain receptors either. I have seen you crash and burn so many times...crash into Grey, knots on your head, skinned knees, elbows, you name it...and you walk away like it never happened.

You are still a little cautious of other people though, especially guys. It takes a while for you to warm up to adults but you adore other kids. I am not sure how Andrew's daddy, Brian, managed to charm you, but you absolutely love him. You will even pick up my phone and pretend"call" him. I hear you say "Bri-na!! Hi, Bri-na!!" You still are not a fan of dogs. For as adventurous as you are, if strangers or dogs are nearby, you are climbing my legs and wanting to be held.

One of the cutest things you do is stick your finger in your belly button. Some kids suck their thumb or twirl their hair when self soothing...but you like to stick your finger straight into your belly button to help you fall asleep or if you are in a situation that makes you nervous, like when someone talks to you and you are not too sure of them. The downfall of this cuteness means that you cannot wear onesies anymore or footed pajamas.  And if you are wearing a dress, you bare all to anyone around!

In the last month your language has taken off! Here is the list of your most used words as of 18 months:

brother (bru-da)
shhh (for shoe)
meow (cat)
ruff! (dog)
"bob" (blueberry)
Bri-na (Brian)
Chelle (Michelle)

If you notice, I think your brother has a pretty big influence on your vocabulary!! My favorite right now is when you pick up something random ( a hanger or stick) and start chopping with it and you say "ha-mmmer" and start hammering things. Or you will make the "jaws" sound track noise and chase us with something. You are silly and it fits in perfectly with this family :)

Love you,

Watching daddy's soccer game

Bucket head!

You are just now getting into your dolls. I think you were nursing your baby in this one...

You caught me watching!!

Love your blonde hair. And I apologize now, I am horrible when it comes to hair even myself so you will most likely always have crazy hair!!

It's all about the accessories!

You love feeding yourself yogurt!
You could play in water all day long!

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