Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Christmas 2009

Celebrating this year with Grevin was so much fun. He loves Christmas lights and Christmas trees...and anything Christmas related.

We started off our Christmas holiday on the 23rd with a visit to Scott's house on Cielo Circle. Zippy lived two houses down from them when we were in college. Scott went crazy, making all of his own cut outs then, but has gone even crazier since we left! I think he ran out of Disney characters so he has moved on to Nickelodeon now! He even has 101 Dalmations running through his yard and across the neighbors houses. Each year he moves Waldo from "Where's Waldo?" He spends over a month trying to get it all up for the holiday season. I would hate to see his electric bill!!

Christmas Eve morning, we opened presents at the house. This was Grevin's first experience with trying to open presents and he thought he could just eat his way through them.

We headed over to Zippy's aunt's house for the evening and Grevin had alot of fun playing with his other cousins. Four boys under the age of 5 was alot of fun. He had alot of fun chasing bals with his cousin, Austin, who just turned one. Grevin is really getting into hanging out with other kids and following them around.

(you may notice that Grevin is not wearing socks-he loves to pull them off. I am thinking about getting him tights!!)

The present pile.Notice that Grevin is more interested in the tree...

He thought that banging on the presents might be how you open them!

Christmas morning we headed out to Grammie's house to see what Santa brought. Santa is always so generous! We opened our stockings, ate breakfast, and played for awhile before heading home. Later that afternoon, we headed to Concord to go to Great Grandma and Grandpa's house.

Hanging out with Grandpa-his MOST favorite person

Playing in his Christmas jammies

Playing on the stairs at his Great Grandparent's house

Here is a little video of Grevin trying to point out the Christmas tree to me. I teased Zippy that he reminded me of him when he has too much to drink!( I apologize for it being sideways, I thought it would flip)

It was alot of running around but it was so good to see everyone and spend time with family. We missed my side of the family alot but I am kind of glad we did not try to come back this year-it was blizzard conditions in Missouri-most of the locals didn't even make it to my parents house for Christmas day since everyone was snowed in!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Aunt BJ
Wow, how it makes my day to be able to hear about your lives. We are so blessed to be able to share in Grevins life,even if it is by computer. God Bless all of you in 2010