Thursday, December 10, 2009

NINE is fine!

Dear Grevin,
I am not going to start this letter off the same as all of the others talking about how the time is flying by(even though it really IS flying by!). I am really trying to live in the moment and enjoy every single second with you.

This month has been a little crazy. You have had a cold for the whole month and every single thing I wear ends up covered in snot since you prefer to wipe your nose on my shoulder! When you are feeling the yuckiest, all you want to do is hang out in my arms and nurse. I hate that you are not feeling well but I secretly enjoy the cuddling since you usually won't hold still for more than 5 seconds! This cold though has not stopped you from continuing to explore the world around you.

While we were in L.A., you decided that you could climb a whole flight of stairs. You finally realized that once you start, you can't stop to sit since the stairs are too narrow. You got your rhythm and up you went! You also discovered that you need to go backwards to get back down stairs. You crawl right up to the edge and start scooting backwards across the floor(too bad you are pointed the wrong way!). You get a little frustrated that you aren't successful. But if we turn you around, you actually will go down the stairs. You don't quite have the concept of turning around but it won't be long:)

Your favorite things are dogs and balls. You even have a special noise you make when you want see the dogs or want to get a ball. They both sound a little like "dur" but there is a slight difference for each. I think you are trying to sign a little, too. When I do the sign for all done, you hit your hands down on the tray. You laugh and try to help me get you out of the high chair.

Eating has become more interesting. You have decided that you want to mostly eat on your own with me-but of course you will eat anything for Grammie! With me, you just can't get enough of PEAS! I can put pasta, cheese, peas, pieces of fruit on your plate, and you will move everything out of the way to eat the peas! I am trying to make sure you get a variety of things but how can I complain about you wanting peas? I am not sure if this is a bad thing-can you overdose on peas??

You continue to crawl all over the house and pull up on everything you can reach. You also stood all by yourself, not holding on to anything, but I don't think you realized what you were doing. You had pulled yourself up on the wine rack and had discovered tissue paper in a gift bag. You were busy tearing the paper into pieces (so you could eat them) and I asked you what you were doing. You looked up at me and showed me the paper in both of your hands-with a big grin on your face. You stood there for almost 5 seconds not holding on before you went back to tearing up the tissue paper!

You like to help me put all the toys in your bath. You will grab each one off of the floor in the bathroom, pull yourself up onto the side of the tub and you toss each one in as it is filling with water. If I am changing you in the bathroom, you will throw in all of your clothes, too, if I am not paying attention!

You still don't like to be in a room all by yourself. If we walk around the corner, you come crawling after us or sit and cry until we get back. Once we return, you are fine to continue playing. The one good thing about this is that you don't tend to get into as much trouble this way!

You have started giving kisses. BIG, WET, open mouth kisses! You think they are funny and will cover us in slobber. You love to kiss cheeks, noses, lips, whatever is in your reach. You are just too darn cute :)

Grevin, I am so glad that you are part of our lives. You make each day that much brighter!

Lots of love,
 This is as good as I could get with the ball this month

This is how most of my picture taking goes now-he is trying to eat the camera strap

Throwing his socks in his toy basket

You love this dinosaur/ball toy-thanks, Jill!

Getting ready for your bath

If you look close, you can see teeth!

And another! 

You love to make us laugh. You do this fake little chuckle that makes us laugh and you do it over and over again to get a reaction.


Michelle Wing said...

Happy Nine Months Biscuit! You make me smile everytime I see your cute pictures.

Bill and Paige said...

make them stop growing! I can't believe they are 9 months old already. Love his little sweater vest...too cute:)

Jill said...

Soo cute! I knew he would love the dinosaur toy. Shane would clog the inside up with all kinds of things and then wonder where all the balls went! lol

The video is my favorite! Shane does a fake laugh and fake cry now too. It's cuter when they are little though ;)