Thursday, May 26, 2011

Zoe: Three Months

Dear Slobber Monkey:

Well, Zoe, this is what your dad has been calling you for awhile now...slobber monkey! You are drooling like crazy, chewing on your hands or anything else that gets near your mouth and you just slobber on everything.

It is amazing how much you have changed in just three months. Your personality is coming out more and are so laid back and rarely fuss. You are such an easy newborn, you make me think about having another one!!

You can hold your head up like a champ and have started sitting in the bumbo chair because you love to be up and looking out at the world. You love your play mat where you can bat at your toys and talk to all your little friends.

I am still shocked that you rolled over at 2.5 months. For the first 6 weeks, I was always afraid to put you on the floor because your brother is not the most cautious (I sometimes wonder how younger siblings survive!) :) You rolled back to your will probably be awhile before you roll the other way since you just like to rest your head when you lay on your tummy :) You roll side to side all the time on the floor so you are starting to lose your hair all around the sides and it is really making you rock a mohawk!

You will talk to anyone who will listen to you. We have lengthy conversations on your changing table and I hear you talk and talk to your friends on your playmat. You absolutely love it when someone comes to talk to you. You just smile and coo and giggle as long as they are paying attention to you! You have the cutest giggle and are so ticklish.

You are an amazing sleeper. Occasionally you will sleep 8 pm to 7 am...but you are pretty consistent sleeper from 8 to 4 then eat before going back sleep until 8. Your momma and daddy really appreciate this!! I started putting you in your crib for the long stretch but secretly love it when you wake up and come curl up with me in bed. I am trying to soak up as much baby as I possibly can because I know how fast it will go. You change so much everyday and I want to enjoy every second before you grow up and don't want to snuggle with me!

Your brother still loves you so much. He loves on you so much that sometimes you cringe when goes walking by since you think you will be smothered in hugs and kisses.  You love to watch him run around and you love to talk to him when he comes over to play with you. When you are tired, you will actually start crying when he gives you kisses since his "snuggles" are probably more like a full body check in hockey! Luckily, you don't seem to mind most of the time though. I love watching your relationship bloom :)

You are starting to spend some time with Grammie now that I am back to work part time. I miss you so much while I am gone but I am glad you have the chance to have this special relationship with her. She will spoil you rotten, you don't even realize how lucky you are!

Zoe, I love watching you grow and I love experiencing the world through your eyes as you explore the world around you. I love you!!


 You can sleep anywhere!

Your daddy hates in when you have any bows or headbands so this will probably be only one of a few pictures we will have with you wearing one until you get longer hair! This Dr. Pooper shirt was your brothers so I thought I should put a bow on you so later we would know if it was you or Grey!


Anonymous said...

Just WoW!! You all are awesome, Super Thank YOU for publishing these letters, let's me feel like I am all most there.
Love Daddio/GiGi

Bill and Paige said...

tell zippy it's time to embrace the pink and big bows!!!

Ali C. said...

I'm sure Mia Hamm wore bows in her hair too :)
Happy 3 months Zoe! Can't wait to meet you!