Tuesday, August 23, 2011

SSU Soccer Alumni Weekend & Grey's First Fat Lip

SSU alumni weekend was a huge success this year. More than 50 alumni were out Saturday on the field, most of them not feeling that well from catching up with old friends the night before! I love the camaraderie of these guys, it is like a big family. The Parish family came to stay with us all weekend to enjoy the festivities. Since they moved to Chico, we hardly get to see each other. It was so much fun hanging out and catching up. We headed over for a pre-BBQ Friday night at the Barker's. ABout 10-15 of the guys and their families were there.
Ruggs, Zip, Grey, Carol, & Ellis
Catching up with old friends

Mastin & Paula

Grey found a skateboard while we were there and attempted to ride it. I was in playing with Zoe and the other babies when one of the older girls ran in yelling "there's blood!!" All the mom's jumped up and then she said "it's Grey's!" Daddy was out there and when I got there, there was blood all over Grey's face and all over daddy. A popsicle seemed to do the trick, made it stop bleeding, and a few minutes later Grey was asking why one of the other dad's had put the skateboard away because he wanted it again. Boys...
Zoe's night wasn't nearly as eventful other than all the older girls loved mothering her(carrying her around, playing with her, etc) and she was exhausted!

Grey had alot of fun playing with the kids on the soccer field the next day and watching daddy play. His favorite time is half time at all of daddy's games because all the kids get to go out and play on the field. This time, the ref even gave Grey his flag and Grey was running the sidelines :) Too bad I didn't have my camera!

Grey and Grammie watching daddy, hoping he would score a goal for them!
Grey had alot of fun playing with Fletcher and Anouk. Fletcher will be 4 in October and Anouk is 1.5 years old. With being right in the middle, there was always something entertaining to do. Anouk loved to come sit right by him where ever he was, it was super cute!

The kids playing doctor with Zippy's stethoscope!
The whole gang

Grey's lip was looking good all weekend. Especially after eating blueberries!

Looking forward to next year!

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