Saturday, November 26, 2011

Zoe: 9 Months

Dear Zoe Monster,
Here we are, only 3 short months away from your first birthday. Where has the time gone? Every day your personality comes out more and more. You are a little dare devil but love to cuddle. You can scream louder than anyone else I know but love to sit back and take it all in. You are an adventurer exploring every square inch of the floor and finding the littlest of things but you are also mommy's little girl at times when you do NOT want to do anything but be in my arms. You love to people watch and play peek a boo.  You will purposefully hide behind something to get someone to play with you. You love chasing your brother around the house, playing in the forts with him, and giving kisses to us. Grey and I have given you the nickname Zoe Monster since you love to be in the middle of everything he is doing. When you head his way after he has built a tower or something, we yell, "Zoe monster" and he lets you knock it down!

We went to the doctor the other day for your brother and put you on the scale while we were there. You were just shy of 17 pounds. You are such a peanut! People often comment on how strange it is to see such a little baby do so many big kid things. Your favorite new trick is the pull yourself up on something-preferably mommy-and then just let go to stand all by yourself. If something is close enough, you will throw your little body towards it, if you make it, you are happy. But if you don't, you pick yourself up off the floor and try again.  I am surprised you don't have a concussion! You can cruise furniture like its nothing and you love to climb stairs and over things. You haven't met an obstacle you can't manage! You are one determined little girl. We have been trying to teach you to go feet first down the stairs or off furniture. You are slowly starting to get it but still prefer to go head first if you can. I am not sure how many tumbles you have taken off your brothers bed, luckily it is on the floor and only about 6 inches tall!

You are really loving eat right now. Luckily, you are like Grey and will eat anything put in front of you. The more you can eat it yourself, the more you like it. We are at the point where you need a bath every single night since you end up with food all over you. You love your baths but HATE getting your diaper changed and HATE even more getting clothes put on. I try to explain that if you just cooperate, it would be done sooner. But have to put up a fight!

Sleep, oh sleep. How I miss you. I *think* you are getting closer to sleeping through the night. You will do a few full nights (7:30-5) and then go back to every two hours.  Hopefully we will be there soon! I would let you just cry it out but your PIERCING scream would wake the whole neighborhood. Have I mentioned how loud you can scream?? When we have spent the night with others, they are quite impressed! You wouldn't think such a laid back little tiny girl could make that much noise considering most of the day, you don't make a peep.

You have a grand total of 6 teeth. Four on top, 2 on bottom. You are getting the hang of teething I guess because I had no clue the two new ones on top had broken through. I just can't believe how fast you are leaving babyhood behind!!

You absolutely love music and love to dance. You pull yourself up on all your toys that make music and shake your booty! You also love to dance with anyone who will dance with you. As soon as the music stops, you sign again or clap...I haven't figured out exactly the difference...until the music starts up again. It is so stinkin' cute!

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