Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Zoe and her new "brush"

Zoe is deceptively devious. She may not look like the child that would get into mischief but she is really the one I need to keep a close eye on. Just yesterday, she was upstairs with me while I was putting laundry away. I heard her push open the bathroom door (silently I cursed Grey for not latching it after going potty) and heard her "talking" to the shower and banging on the shower doors. Not wanting her to fall into the empty tub while she tried to climb in or chew on the toilet seat, I hurried to go get her the second she stopped banging on the shower door. I looked in and she had the toilet brush out from behind the toilet and was brushing her hair. She looked so proud when she saw me!! YUCK!!! I didn't want to even think of what might have happened before I came in there because she likes to try to use her hair brush as a tooth brush and her tooth brush as a hair brush....Oh, Zoe...


saraho said...

What a story to tell when she's older :) oh my :)

Ali C. said...

My little one is the devious one too. I wonder why???

Anonymous said...

She was just primping for her Daddy....a make for freaking out when he spooked her with his hair cut, guess he will just never be able to hair cut again...