Saturday, March 24, 2012

Grevin: 3 years

Dear Grey:
I am a few weeks late in writing this and I am really hoping this is NOT any example of what three is going to be like and it is just you coming off your sugar high from the last month of birthday celebrating. We arrived to 3 with minimal tantrums, mostly because of your laid back attitude, but the last couple of weeks have been metlt down city if you do not get your way or if things don't happen how you want them to (a full size shovel will not fit into a small bag no matter who tries to do it but you are not okay with answer). Luckily, you starting to get back into your normal self and life can go on without any of us losing any more hair!

Two, though, has been a really great year. You are such a happy guy and I really enjoy being with you. You love to laugh and tease and joke around. You love new people and new situations. You are willing to try anything. You love to help. You truly are very easy going even though you are still VERY. HIGH. ENERGY. You play hard, love hard, cry hard, laugh hard. You wear your emotions and your heart on your sleeve and it is a very big heart. You love to ride your tricycle and you love to snuggle. You love to dig and climb and swing...and you could also curl up in our lap and read books all day.

You amazingly still have the most love and patience (most of the time) with your sister. You love being with her and when she is not around, you ask when you get to see her again. You make sure she always has something to play with, as long as it isn't something you want; you know better than anyone what your sister is allowed to eat or play with - if someone tries to give her something that you don't know is an okay food, you ask me. If you have something to eat, you always share it with her-even popsicles!  You are the very best big brother anyone could ask for. When you first hear her in the morning, you run to go say good morning; you sing to her when she cries in the car; you try your hardest to make her laugh and that doesn't take much because she adores you just as much. Of course, it is not always such a loving relationship. You love to bear tackle her to the ground and you get frustrated when she takes something you are playing with. You wouldn't be true siblings if that wasn't the case!

One thing that has really shown up this year is your hoarding tendency :) It is amazing the things that I find in your bed or in your pockets. I have to remember to check all your pockets before throwing things in the wash because I never know what I will find. We have ruined a few loads with crayons...(it has taken me a few times to learn that I need to check EVERYTHING). You have your "adventure" pack (it's an A's baseball gym bag) that you fill to the brim with anything you can find. You also found one of our carry on suitcases and loaded it up too. One positive thing about this is that there isn't much of a mess to clean up in the toy room because you have managed to squeeze every toy and book into these two things that you can. The bad thing is that you do not want to part with either item. This is where quite a few of the recent tantrums come from. I tried to reasonably explain to you that we do not need to take the 50 pound adventure pack to the store (you respond that you NEED something to play with while you are there). You can make me want to pull my hair out one second and crack up laughing the next.

Starting this year, I am going to ask you these same 20 questions to see how your answers change. It took a few days to ask you all of these as you would only answer one or two questions before getting too silly. Enjoy!

1. Favorite color? Blue
2. Favorite toy? Chainsaw (don't worry, it is a toy!)
3. Favorite fruit? Blueberries
4. Favorite tv show? Curious George
5. Favorite thing to eat for lunch? Yogurt
6. Favorite outfit? Work pants, daddy work shirt, work boots
7. Favorite game? Soccer running game
8. Favorite snack? Popcorn
9. Favorite animal? Bella (Andrew's dog!)
10. Favorite song? You can't always get what you want (you say it is your favorite since your it's your daddy's favorite song when you start whining)
11. Favorite book? All of them
12. Who is your best friend? Andrew
13. Favorite cereal? O's
14. Favorite thing to do outside? Swing
15. Favorite drink? Kefir
16. Favorite holiday? Christmas
17. What do you like to take to bed with you? star lady bug, blankies, books
18. Favorite thing for breakfast? oatmeal and blueberries and yogurt
19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? Sushi
20. What do you want to be when you grow up? Police man who drives a motorcycle

The Day You Were Born
 One Year
 2 year
3 year
Love you so much big boy!! Can't wait to see what this year brings as long as it isn't any more of those meltdowns! Even if they are, that smile makes it worth every second :)



Darv said...

Love this post!

saraho said...

hard to believe he is 3 years old!!! :) Happy Birthday Grevin! any plans to visit KC any time soon?

Ali C. said...

LOVE the idea of asking him those questions every year. It's very Pinteresting :)

Anonymous said...

Love this, so great ot hear, can't wait to hear if answers change. Maybe the meltdowns are related to daylight savings time
love and misses
Aunt Barbara

Melissa said...

Love your blog Jen! You are an awesome momma!!