The old concrete pad being taken out.
where the old deck used to be. Each whole was a pillar. Even though the wood was falling apart, it was in there sturdy!

We took out the old side walk (in front of Zoe) that went to the shed since this area gets the best sunlight to plant our new garden area
getting ready to pour the concrete
sketching in the BBQ area
right after the concrete was poured, looking at the potential garden area
stamping the concrete
this pile of cinderblocks will soon become our outdoor kitchen!
the stamped concrete completed
more progress, laying out the foundation for the kitchen
pouring the concrete countertops!
The Hansens were a big help putting in the new garden area. The boys got the bins and dirt while Mariah and I put down weed cloth and entertained the kiddos.
All done and planted!
getting closer!
view of the garden from our balcony
SOOO close to being finished. Oh and I forgot to mention, we are about to host 40 people at our house for Baby Owen's welcoming party 4 days from when I took this picture. I was only having a minor heart attack!!
2 days before the party. Think I am missing grass!!
Also taken 2 days before the party. The stucco sides were getting their first coat....
BBQ is officially placed in
Night before the party, moving the refrigerators in!
Ta-da! Sod in, umbrellas up...morning of the fiesta!
Completed just in time!
Other than it was SOOO hot that day, it was a success1
Our garden is taking off too!
Kids love having their backyard back!
And they love the sprinklers on a hot day :)
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