This week was really exciting at the DeShazer household. Grevin had decided from day #1 that the only place he would sleep would be in in our arms. I don't think he realized that the cord was cut on the 10th! We would try to put him the swing, in the crib, in the cosleeper, in the bassinet, in the pack'n'play, in his rocker chair, on his playmat...and he would sleep for a maximum of 30 minutes before waking up and wanting to eat. The only place he would sleep would be in our arms so Zippy and I would take turns sleeping with him on the couch...and he would sleep for 2-3 hours at a time as long as one of us was actually holding him. On Wednesday, I took him for a walk and he fell asleep in the stroller. As we got back to the house, we sat outside on the sidewalk because I was sure he would wake up any minute. After awhile, I brought the stroller back into the house and left him there. He ended up sleeping for almost 4 hours!! Yay!! I tried to put him in it at night, but he keeps waking up...but at least during the day, I can get him to sleep in the stroller for at least 2 hours at a time. There is hope! But I know as soon as he starts sleeping on his own, I will miss all the cuddling. He loves to cuddle and I hope that never changes.
The Big Sleep

Grevin also has found his fingers. He loves sucking on them but hasn't quite figured out what to do with the remaining ones. I didn't have my camera handy to get the best shot earlier this week. He had his thumb in his mouth and the rest of his hand was covering his entire face as he was looking out at me through all of his fingers. Here he is falling asleep and looking like he is poking himself in the eyes!

I am just amazed at how much alert he is getting every day. He definitely knows my voice and Zippy's. On Saturday, he started cooing and smiled a real smile at me(not one of those gassy ones!). He is staying awake longer and focusing on objects and watching the world go by. He loves to stare at the dogs, at the black and white picture frame in our living room, and the bricks of the fire place. He loves going for car rides-we try to go somewhere every day-but he never falls asleep. He loves getting out and is such a good baby!
We had so much fun hanging out with you on Friday! Grevin is such a fantastic baby.
Let him sleep with you as long as you want (just not in your bed:))! He won't be sleeping with you when he goes to college. We have mandatory "sleeping on mom's chest" for at least 2 hrs a day.
Have you tried putting him in his car seat to sleep. I've heard that sometimes works
Take whatever sleep you can get! He's adorable, glad we got to spend a little time with you. See you soon!!
How sweet, Aunt barbara wishes she she could hold him and sing lullablys to him to get him to sleep. Enjoy it while you can, they grow way too fast
I remember pushing the stroller around in the living room a few times to get Shane to sleep. Until Ryan figured out the magic trick of putting him in the car seat on the floor and jiggling it with his foot. Worked like magic every time!
I'm so glad I was able to visit before I got this miserable cold!
It was great to see you all on Monday! Such a cutie! I love the picture of Grevin sucking his thumb.
Yeah, we've put Jared in his crib since we came home from the hospital...but it is SO HARD to put him down when he falls asleep in my arms. I just stare at him and don't care that I strain my neck!
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