On Saturday, we went with the Parish's to the Tollay Fall Festival. Fletcher's 2nd birthday is coming up and his grandparents came up to visit and celebrate his birthday a little early. The festival was so much fun. They had old tractors, creepy crawly night creatures in an old barn(like big snakes, tarantulas, owls, bats, etc!), sack races, scare crow building, stick horse races, and lots of yummy food. They also have a tractor that takes you on a hay ride out to a field where you can pick your pumpkin. It was so much fun I think we are going to go there for our Halloween pumpkin every year!

Zippy and Grevin participating in the horse race!

Grevin and I heading out to the pumpkins on the tractor

Grevin picked out this pumpkin with the help of his dad. Zippy wanted one that Grey could sit on.

It was really really windy out there and Grevin's hair kept getting into his eyes....driving both of us crazy!

You can tell he is 1/2 Missourian.
He looks right at home with straw in his mouth and in a wheel barrow!

The Parish Family and the DeShazer Family with their pumpkins

We headed back to the Parishs for some yummy food and birthday cake. While we were waiting, Tanya broke out the costumes and she had one that fit Grevin! I just wanted to cuddle with my little monkey, he is so cute!!!

Fletcher kept petting Grevin :-)

I know I have been anti-hair cutting for Grevin but the day at the pumpkin patch really made me change my mind. It is a good thing that Fletcher's grandpa is a barber! He had all of his stuff with him and we decided to just do it. We decided we would give Grevin's hair a 'trim' not a cut :-) He was so good and held still for the whole entire process. I think it helped that we were outside and there was plenty to look at!
Before the haircut


That looks like fun!

Afterwards...my little man!
Oooh! So cute with his new hair cut! And what a cute monkey!! He is going to be an even cuter dalmatian though! I loved the one of him in the wheelbarrow too!
Love the haircut! He is so handsome!
omg, omg, omg!! so much in 1 post...not allowed!
Love the picture with him sitting on top of the pumpkin!!
Love him in the monkey costume...seriously, can he get any cuter?
and the hair cut...i was with you, but I can see how it getting in his eyes kept bothering you (I think secretley I was just jealous:)) He looks so cute now!!! So much better out of his eyes.
Wow! What a fun weekend! Grevin and Fletcher look so cute in their costumes! And I love Grevin's new haircut, very handsome.
He looks so cute with his new hair "trim"!
Looks like you guys had fun at the farm. Perhaps we'll join you next year!
He looks so handsome with his hair trim....I hope you saved the hair. It's the hair he was born with remember.
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