Dear Grevin,
I know I say it every month, but I really wish time would slow down! This month has been an incredible month with so many new changes, you really are a mobile baby now with an opinion of your own! In the span of one week you started crawling, got your first tooth, and started to wave!! You have been on the brink of all three for awhile now and they all came together in a culmination of many sleepless nights.
You are really rocking the comb over now:) Your hair is getting so long and we keep having people tell us to cut it...but you will look so grown up if we do! We are attempting to hold out until your first birthday but we may have to give in before then so you can see where you are going!
This month has also been about EATING. You have eaten everything we have given you, sometimes you make faces like it tastes HORRIBLE but go back willingly for more(apples!). Your favorites seem to be the sweet peas much to your Grammie's disbelief. Grandma Oglesby and Grammie both HATE peas! You have also tried zucchini, banana, sweet potatoes, baby oatmeal, pears, apples, green beans, and avocado. You have yet to turn anything down. I have started giving you a couple of puffs to see how you do chewing and you took to them like you have always been eating them. You even throw them back down onto the tray if you pick them up with the palm of your hand and try again to use your pincher grasp.
You never stop moving. I tried to do our normal 'photo shoot' for the month and I could not get you to stay on the sheet or pose with the pumpkin-you are already ignoring your mother's wishes :) I also tried to get our monthly shot with the soccer ball, but you did not want to cooperate with that either so I got a video instead!
Your wave is so cute even though it might be a little Hilter-like. You stick your arm straight up and out and make a noise. When someone waves back, you smile and laugh like it is the funniest thing in the world.
You do not want to go to bed at night. You use to go down easily at 7, now I am doing good to get you to bed at 8. I think you just want to see your dad! You could be drifting to sleep and wake up very excited if you hear the key in the front door. The good thing about going to bed later is that you don't wake up until after 7 am now...
We are having so much fun with you-I am so thankful that you are in our lives, Grey. I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings...
7 months! These kids are growing up way too fast. I love the video with the soccer ball. He is just too cute for words. Perhaps you don't need to give him a full hair cut, just trim his bangs a little so he can see.
See, he keeps throwing the ball away. Doesn't like soccer! :)
And I think we should get a video of the wave!!
NO haircut...hold off...I love the combover:)
I can't believe they are already 7 mo...before we know it we'll be planning their 1st bday:(
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