Monday, April 19, 2010

One Year Check Up (at 13 months)

With the birthday party and our trip to Oregon, we postponed Grey's one year check up until today.  Everything went well, the doctor thinks he is going to be a very social guy. Not sure where he gets that from....

Weight: 25lb 11oz (79%)
Height: 2 ft 9 in (or 33 inches)  (98%)
Head: 20.51 in (100%+)

The doctor actually thinks that the nurse measured his head incorrectly but didn't think it was a big deal.  If you look at the growth chart, it looks like there was a HUGE jump and it goes shooting off of the chart but it doesn't look like his head is that big.  Doctor thinks he is going to be the tallest in his class which is funny because Zippy never was a big guy.  Maybe he will be taking after my mom's dad's side of the family? 

The doctor loves that we are doing the signs with him and really thinks this will help reinforce the spoken word.  When the doctor asked us about nutrition and food, as soon as he said food, Grevin did the sign for more and we all started laughing.  There is nothing wrong with his eating!

His ears also looked really good and healed from his ear drum rupture last month.  Everything is back to normal.

Of course, he wasn't too happy about his vaccines, but as soon as the injection tech started blowing bubbles, he was laughing through his tears. 

When we were in the doctor's office, Grevin learned how to open the door there.  I am so glad we don't have those kinds of handles at our house or else I would never be able to keep him inside!

(this is the second post for today so make sure to scroll down and read the next post!)


Ali C. said...

I think this is the first time since birth that G has surpassed J in weight! (Always in height though, I got a squirt on my hands) His head is definitely not that big...that's for sure. J's is much bigger and it wasn't off the charts! Miss you guys. See you in a couple months!

Jill said...

OMG...Shane is 2 1/2 and finally weighs that much! Haha! Play date at the park is needed soon for sure!