Thursday, June 10, 2010

15 months

Dear Grey,
I was going to wait and write to you at 18 months but I feel like I am going to forget everything that happens because you change so quickly! It has been 3 short months since your first birthday but you have grown so much. You are growing into a little boy!  You chat non-stop (luckily we have the signs to go with some of it so I can understand what you are saying!) and you are running everywhere.  We have to keep an eye on you at all times or you will be in the middle of the street, playing in the toilet, or exploring what ever else might catch your eye! I am envious of your endless energy and inquisitiveness.  You are constantly trying your boundaries: physically and mentally.  This gives you great pleasure and great pain. I think you have a permanant scab on your right knee-as soon as it is almost healed, you bang it up again!

Let's see if I can remember some other changes over the last 3 months:

-Running.  You are all over the place. You were walking at your first birthday but now you are running.  It is kind of funny though since your walking is probably faster than your "running" at this point.  Your legs move like crazy but you cover little ground.  You are an expert stair climber and are pretty good at knowing your limits of what size step you can walk down on your own or when you need help or need to go crawling backwards.  

-Being Gentle.  You are a definite boys boy.  You like to be rough and tumble, you like to throw things, push things and think everything is a drum.  We are constantly saying 'gentle touches' or 'be gentle.'  When we do, you immediately lean in to cuddle as a means of apology.  It was really cute when I was feeding the neighbors' 5 week old kitten.  You came over to check it out and I said "be gentle" so you laid your cheek gently against the kitten.  It is times like this that it makes my heart melt as your mommy.  Of course, it lasted .3 seconds and then you were throwing every toy into the kitten's pen and knocking over the water bowl :)

-Planes, trains, and automobiles.  You are fascinated with all three.  You love to watch the sky for the helicopters that land at the nearby hospital.  You run to the window when you hear the trash truck.  You vroom!vroom! your cars around the living room and sit in any little car you can find.  You are obsessed with keys.  We mistakenly let you sit in the front seat in the drive way one day and now that is all you want to do :)  You like to push the lock button on momma's car to make it beep.  It makes you crack up are so proud of yourself!

-Balls.  You love to throw balls, any kind of ball.  Hard, soft, big, small.  You have to be at full alert in our house to keep from being beamed by one because you have a pretty good arm!  Daddy has also taught you how to kick, too.  You run around the house, kicking the ball, screaming GOALL!!

-Shoes/Outside/Water/Shovels- You love to bring everyone their shoes.  In the morning, I can hear you lugging your daddy's big work boots through the house to try to give them to him.  If I try to lay in bed on weekends, you will bring my shoes to me in bed.  You know you need to get your shoes on to go outside and as soon as you have them on, you head to the nearest door.  As soon as you are out of the door, you look for your favorite things: shovels, water, dirt, balls, rocks. This could keep you occupied all day!

-Talking.  We can hardly get a word in with you around :)  You realize that objects have labels and will walk around the house saying the words you know.  We still haven't quite figured out what you mean by "taco" though...maybe you are like your daddy and just love Mexican food?  But it is never in that context...I am hoping to figure this one out soon!  I need to look back at the list I posted a few months ago and update it with your current words.  You also love nursery rhymes with hand movements:  Rain, rain, go away; Bringing home a baby bumble bee; Itsy Bitsy Spider; If you are happy and you know it; are just a few of your favorites.

I know I am missing lots more because every day something new happens.  You bring us all so much joy and happiness and energy.  I love you through and through, yesterday, today, and tomorrow too!

Momma and Daddy


Ali C. said...

Jared lean his head on the kitties too! That's his way of cuddling! We are definitely working on "gentle" here. It's a LONG process!

Bill and Paige said...

can't believe how big they are getting...makes me so sad