Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend

What another great weekend. It has been rainy and yucky around here but the sun decided to show itself and mother nature gave us a small taste of summer weather to kick off the season. We took full advantage of it with BBQs four days in a row, bike rides, hikes, and water play.

Friday night, we kicked off the weekend with a BBQ with the Leffew's. With all of the rain, their road had HUGE puddles. Grevin is a little obsessed with water and after redirecting him for about 2 hours, I thought he would just go to the edge to throw rocks...well, I thought wrong. He took 3 steps and proceeded to sit down in the big puddle. At that point, I just let him go. Rocks, dirt, water, shovels...his idea of paradise :)

Saturday, we rode our bikes to meet Jill and Shane to go see JT play ball. We discovered a fantastic bike trail (did you know that google will give you walking, biking, or driving maps?) to ride from our house over to Rincon Valley. It is about 5 miles each way, but almost all the way is on the bike path that runs along a creek. Lulu, Shane, and Grey had fun trying to play tee ball on the side lines and it was fine watching them try to "take turns." After we got home, took a nap, we decided to look over our camping stuff to make sure everything still worked and we were not missing anything. We BBQ's some venison sausage and a backstrap...which was incredibily delicious! We set up the tent in the backyard and we were going to sleep in it until I realized that it wasn't going to get dark until almost 9. Considering our busy weekend, I was not ready to test that out on Grey :) Instead, we had a fire, let Grey chill for a little bit and then tucked him back in bed inside while we sat in the back yard hanging out together by the fire. Only thing missing was s'mores!

Sunday, we headed up to Windsor and went for our monthly hike...this time at Riverfront Regional Park. I couldn't understand the name though because even though it had access to the Russian River, the hiking trail was around a little lake. It was beautiful for an early morning hike...great for kids because it was a nice flat open path...but would be miserable in the heat of the day as there was little to no shade for the entire loop. They do have an awesome picnic area under the redwoods though with a volleyball net and horseshoe pits so that would be fun :)After an afternoon nap, we headed over to the Wing's house for a BBQ. We almost didn't get to eat the BBQ oysters and ribs because Zippy caught Brian's BBQ on fire! Michelle kept saying that she didn't think there should be flames coming out from underneath it....they should have listened sooner! Luckily no one was injured, the BBQ still worked, but they may need to think about getting a new one (good excuse to upgrade!) The little boys had fun splashing in the water, playing in the sandbox, and running around like crazy kids.

 Riverfront Regional Park, Windsor
It was a tough hike for Grey :)
This one cracks me up-like he is bored!
Give this boy a stick and he is happy!

Monday, we did our weekend bike ride downtown to get coffee, Grey had fun interacting to all of the homeless people sitting on the sidewalk. I am always amazed to see how people light up around little kids and I am glad he is able to give others a little joy in their lives. For lunch, we headed over to Sonoma State University with sandwiches and fed the duckies some leftover stale bread Zippy had sitting in his car :)

We broke down and bought Grey a pool and a sandbox for the back yard on Monday, too. I had a hard time getting him out of the sandbox so he could nap before Grammie and Grandpa came over to BBQ at our house. Grammie and Grandpa helped set up the little pool and we let Grey go for a dip. As Grammie was filling it with water, Grandpa decided to help Grey go down the little slide part of it. None of us knew how slick it was and Grey went flying down the slide, wiped out, while Grammie was spraying the hose in his face. I thought it scared him so much he wouldn't want to go back in but it was about 10 minutes before he was trying to stand up in the pool and go down the slide again :) But..he wouldn't let go of my hand for the slide! do I use ALL these shovels at the same time?

I was a little sad to head back to work...but I needed a break from the weekend!! 

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