Sunday, June 26, 2011

Zoe: Four Months

Dear Zoe:

Don't worry, I already have the theme picked out for your first birthday, the material for your dress bought, the menu planned, and the guest list written. It is a good thing because time is going so fast and we will be there before we know it!! I am a little panicked that you are growing up so fast!

I really thought you were going to be my easy going, mellow baby but I think you secretly have something else in mind. You can roll both ways now, inch worm across the room, and actually move to where you want to after some trial and error. Part of this might be your survival instinct kicking in since your brother loves to love on you still and likes to "help" you. He had pulled your blanket across the room with you still on it before I realized what he was doing :) You need to be able to move to get out of harms way. You are still very easy going, you rarely fuss, and really are such a good baby, just very driven to be on the move!

You found your toes this last week and you love to chew on them. You love to be on your back and pull up both of your feet up to your mouth. You are quite the flexible one! It is hilarious to watch you grab them and pull them up to look at them. Your little eyes go crossed and you start at them like you are surprised they are still there! You love to suck on your big toe and make the funniest sucking noise :) Diaper changes are becoming more of a challenge since I have to pull your feet away from your mouth to get a diaper back on.

I love to hear you giggle. Your brother can make you do the best belly laughs by blowing raspberries on your belly, saying "boo" or my favorite "mickey mouse." You love to smile and chew on your fist and still talk to everyone who will listen.  You wake up in the morning with a smile on your face. You wiggle like crazy and when I open my eyes, you are looking right at me and break into the biggest smile when you see me awake. I would prefer if this sweet little moment would happen after 6:30 am but you are starting to wake up earlier. Luckily, your daddy likes to spend quality time with you and your brother at this hour and let's momma sleep in!

You love your Sofie the giraffe and your brother was nice enough to give you the car Grandpa had bought him when he was little. We have started putting you occasionally in your exersaucer and jumpy but you can only hang for a few minutes before you want to be back to wiggling across the floor.

Zoe, you have absolutely stolen my heart. I didn't think I could love you any more and then each day, you find a way to make me fall even deeper. I love you, baby girl!!



Ali C. said...

Happy 4 Months!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for keeping on writing these,
I can not put into words what it means to me. Love You All, GG.

Anonymous said...

so precious to read, definitely a stress relief and a smile getter while at work, love to all