Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pumpkin Patch-#2

Grammie and I headed off this morning to meet up with Grey's school to go to the pumpkin patch. It was a really great day except that it took us almost an hour to go what should have been 20 minutes. Besides the roads being closed for scheduled construction, there was a big rig accident on the freeway where a tanker tipped over and spilled gas all over the road...and the freeway was closed, too. I actually said at one point that maybe we shouldn't go and if you would have seen the disappointment in Grey's eyes, you would have toughed it out too!

This time, it was nice and cold and foggy so it felt like fall. We got to explore the whole place with his school and his favorite thing this time was the corn teepee's. Zoe of course loved it when we put her down so she could eat the dirt and straw...

AND...Grey got another pumpkin...just as big as he could carry! It was only a couple of bucks compared to the $30 from last time!

We need to convince Grandpa to grow alot of corn next year so we can make one of these!

 Enjoying the morning with Grammie
I need to photoshop the following two pictures together-I can't get both of them to look cute at the same time!!

Future Bull Rider

 Or maybe a farmer?

Hangin' with Grammie-check out those teeth!!

While Grammie and Grey went on the search for the perfect pumpkin.....

 Zoe decided to eat her way through the pumpkin patch


 Grey wanted a GREEN pumpkin...of course.


Ali C. said...

Good call getting the pumpking that Grey could carry and not a wheel barrow! Glad you went.

Tania said...

Adorable! I love your kids!! Zoe eating everything had me laughing out loud, literally!

Anonymous said...

so cute, thanks for the smiles
love aunt BJ