Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Zoe: 8 months

Zo Zo,
We are here again, baby girl. Happy 8 months! As you can tell in the pictures, you cannot sit still for more than a second even with a shoe in your mouth.  You are constantly pulling yourself up, climbing on things-including a whole flight of stairs, chasing your brother or following us around. You are a tough little cookie. I am always amazed at the tumbles you take and you just bounce back like nothing happened. You still laugh when Grey knocks you down.

You are such a silly girl. You love to laugh at your brother and daddy and you can really get them to do some silly stuff for you! Both of them love to "ROAR!" like a lion at you and you think its the funniest thing ever. You love to be held upside down. We have to be very careful when holding you because you will just flip yourself backwards to hang upside down in our arms. You do it in the bumbo when you eat too. I have never seen a kid who loves to be upside down so much. You also really like it when I get down on the floor and we chase each other around. You also love peek-a-boo. You will crawl around a corner and poke your head out at me and crack up.

You definitely have some separation anxiety and stranger danger issues going on. If daddy, Grammie, or I leave the room, you scream until we come back. Even if we leave you with someone you know most of the time...unless there is alot of stuff going on to entertain you. It can be very frustrating sometimes and I hope its something that you get over VERY quickly! And don't even get me started on sleep. 

You finally decided that you LOVE TO EAT. You want to eat anything we have or your brother has. You are starting to figure out how to actually pick things up with your fingers. It is so cute to watch you concentrate on eating peas. After alot of work, you finally get one in. Then you go to get another one, get it to your mouth and the original one falls out. It is hilarious to watch!

You had 2 new teeth come in this month for a total of 4 teeth. We haven't been to the doctor in awhile but I think you have hit a major growth spurt. You were in 3-6 months clothing forever and have basically just skipped 6-9 months. All of us keep commenting on how heavy you seem to be getting!

You continue to amaze me and I can't imagine what our family was like before you joined us. You are such a perfect fit for us!

Love you lots,

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