Monday, January 16, 2012

Happy New Year!

Better late than never, right? Finally time for a New Year Eve post now that we are finally over the illnesses that has taken over our household starting New Year's Eve. Around 11 pm, after a fun filled party at the Wings, Grey came down with a fever of about 103, the next night he was vomiting, more fever, etc, soon as he starts to get better, Zoe gets the fever and then pink eye. And in between all of this, Brandon and I get it all too (minus the pink eye...we think it was just sympathy eye itching since it was never as bad as what Zoe had!).

Anyway...back to the party. This is our 3rd year of between invited to one of the best New Year's Eve parties in town! As you may remember, we celebrate with the UK and a few other countries every hour starting at 4 pm until we put the kids to bed. The kids had so much fun this year and so did the big kids! Michelle was a wild woman and let the kids pop confetti poppers in her living room as we counted down the New Year online with England. The kids thought it was the coolest thing ever!

Zoe & I with Michelle, the best hostess ever!
 The big boys ready to party!
 The little boys loved their noise makers...

 Zoe enjoying her first New Years
 The whole gang
 After most of the guests left, Brandon helped teach the boys how to jump off the couch
 At least they were patiently waiting their turn
 Zoe and Alex loved playing with some of Andrew's new toys
Toasting with their champagne (or sparkling cider)
 Running off the cider at the end of the night...thinking they had one glass too many :)

 You would never have guessed that just a few hours later this little guy would be hit with a bug and down for almost a week! Luckily, no one else at the party got that sick and hopefully we will still be invited back next year!

1 comment:

Michelle Wing said...

You are always welcome at our house, sick or healthy!