Friday, January 27, 2012

Zoe: Eleven Months

Dear Zoe,
I think all that screaming you did last month was the beginning of you trying to communicate with us! Luckily, the screaming has declined and you are more vocal but in a good way! You are signing "more", "all done", "eat", "dog", and "daddy." And you say "mama" now too, it was your very first word. Soon after that you started saying "mmmmm!" anytime you see food and sign "eat." You babble all the time. You love to wave and clap and engage with people so much now it is adorable. I love love love this stage so much.

You got pink eye for the very first time this month. Fortunately, we caught it before you could pass it to everyone else. It was really sad to see your eyes so goopy and itchy but you recovered quickly and were a good little sick girl.

You continue to be a little daredevil. You love to climb on everything. Boxes, chairs, stools, your love to push your limits. You have mastered the stairs both up and down. You race to the top of the stairs and spin around and slide down feet first on your belly. We have to be really careful about putting up our baby gates or else you disappear very fast! You are such a tough little girl, you still just roll with the tumbles and get back up again. It is amazing what you put up with from your brother. I think you are just happy that he is playing with you. Other times, you scream at him because he won't leave you alone.

You have officially joined our nightly soccer games in the living room. It is usually you and daddy versus Grey and me since daddy carries you around and then let's you kick the ball when Grey is not close by. You giggle and enjoy yourself so much. It is so fun to watch! If we aren't playing and you find the soccer ball, you will bring it over to where we are and start bouncing it around. You haven't decided to walk. You will take a few steps here and there but would much rather crawl to where you need to go. You can move so fast! It is really funny because you can be in the middle of the floor and can stand up without holding on to anything and dance...this takes so much more coordination than walking!

You absolutely love to be naked. You crawl away as fast as you can when we are getting dressed and love when you can go diaperless. You protest when we try to get your jammies on or get dressed for the day. The only way I can get you to hold still is to tickle you or put a diaper on my head and sing a silly song. You are starting to get into identifying body parts. You are obsessed with grabbing everyone's nose and you know where everyone's hair is. You love to kiss people's noses too and we have to be careful that you don't bite it!

Your brother lives to make you laugh. He does everything he can to make you stop crying and comes running to me yelling "Zoe wants your mommy's milk!!" if he can't manage to get you to stop. He waits patiently for you to wake up for the day and loves to run in the room to get you. It is so sweet. You adore him and always try to find a way to play with him and what he is doing. So far, it hasn't been too big of an issue and I just dream that this will continue as you two get older. A mom can hope, right? He is also your protector. If another kid wants to come play with you or talk to you, he is right by your side, holding your hand, and telling them that you are his sister. He always makes sure you have a toy to play with and other kids better watch out if they try to take something from you!

I am not even going to mention sleep. It is hit or miss and I can't wait for the day when you actually sleep all night long. For right now, I get through it reminding myself that you won't always want to cuddle and want your momma like this. Now eating is another story. You have that down to a science. You often out eat your brother these days and that is saying a lot. You have yet to turn anything down and you eat everything we eat.

I am so grateful I get to watch you grow, Zozo. You are starting to turn into the cutest little toddler and I can't wait to see what tomorrow brings.


PS. Here are some more photos from our attempted photoshoot.

Had to get a shot of that naked booty since you wouldn't let me get you dressed!
 Love being naked!

 Quick break to play trains with Grey

 See, Paige! I put something in her hair and she immediately starts trying to get it out. We keep trying...


Anonymous said...

so cute, was thinking this morning it was her 11 months, Im asking myself where did the last year go? we are having great Grandpa Kearneys 90th birthday party on her 1st birthday,kind of cool:)
love and misses
great aunt Barbara

Bill and Paige said...

oh that clip looks so cute!!! you gotta just keep trying :)

I can't believe how big they are :( Makes me sad that htey aren't babies anymore!!! Zoe looks and seems so much bigger than