Sunday, April 29, 2012

Almost summer time!

The weather has been giving us a little slice of hope that it will one day be summer again! We got to enjoy the sprinklers, water table, and was able to plant our garden over the last couple of weekends. We are all really looking forward to summer!

Zoe is sure she can ride the bike just like Grey!
 This is what happens when you so long without playing in the water table. The kids forget how to do it. I had to remind Grey that he was just suppose to splash and play with the toys...not climb into and strip off his clothes.  He must get that from his daddy...
 Zoe's first time playing with the water table
 Poor girl has a problem with pants fitting...jeans, now swim suit bottoms. I can't believe that she already has to deal with the issue of trying to find things that fit her right!
 Grey and Andrew enjoying an afternoon on the splash pad
 My big garden helpers...
Grey was helping me move dirt from one barrel to another to get it all the way full
 Zoe's favorite part is to pick up dirt from one barrel and throw it into another.
 Sandbox time! (Grey got a police uniform and wears at least part of it daily!)
 Hmm...who has been eating sand? ZOE?!!!
 Eating watermelon and enjoying dinner outside. 
 Life is Good.


saraho said...

Love this!! When u going to kc next???

Anonymous said...

absolutely love these posts
too cute, so real!
love and misses, aunt Barbara