Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Zoe: 15 months

Here we are at 15 months already, Miss ZoZo.You continue to be very independent and shy at the same.You are feisty but sweet. Quiet but loud. Serious but very silly. Things that you would never think that could co-exist but do so within you!

You will walk away and do your own thing without a care in the world where anyone else is. You don't get easily frustrated with trying new things, you just keep plugging away until you figure it out. You have figured out how to climb on just about anything and everything, how to go up the stairs and down the slides at the park...BUT...if there are people that you do not know or if someone tries to talk to you, you come running back to me. You will socialize, be silly, and charm anyone and everyone as long as you are in my arms.

You are so sweet and cuddly. You love to blow kisses and wave to people. You love to snuggle with long as it is on your terms. If it isn't, your "other side" comes out full force. You can go from this cute sweet little cuddly girl to a full on demon monster in about .002 seconds. You have a set of lungs on you that you are not afraid to use if you see fit! You have mastered tantrums and if you don't get what you want, the second you want, you melt down into a puddle on the floor crying like the world is coming to an end. For instance, I gave Grey yogurt for breakfast the other day, you pointed and signed please. I said I was bringing yours over, and as I sat down to feed it to you, spoon headed to your mouth, your arms went crazy and you started screaming and crying hysterically. Every time I tried to feed you, you would turn your head and just flip out. It took me awhile to figure out that you wanted to feed yourself. As soon as I did, you were back to your happy smiley self....with yogurt covering you head to toe!

You are not a talker. Plain and simple. You do have your words like "shhh" for shoe that you use quite frequently but other than that, you are just happy to grunt and point. Sometimes I forget how much you can comprehend because you aren't very vocal. I mean, you are extremely loud when you want to get your message across but more often than not, you just quietly play with your toys or hang with your brother. I often have to go searching for you because I can't hear where you are and what you are in to! You still absolutely love music and love to dance. You love it when I sing (even though I am terrible at it!) and if I stop, you will actually hum the song to get me to sing it again.

You can be very intense and watch the world go by with a very inquisitive mind. You can seem very serious as you soak in the world around you. You do have your silly side too. You love to put things on your head and everyone else's. You like to stomp your feet and dance. You love to pretend to be a bear and get people. You love to chase people. You love to try to do somersaults but mainly just put your head on the ground and your booty in the air.

Some of your favorite things:
Your brother, swinging, shoes, food-especially meat, music, dancing, playing soccer, playing outside, your bunny, your brother's elmo doll when he gives it to you, hats, any accessory (necklace, purse, bracelets, jackets), flowers, dirt and snuggling

Some of your not so favorite things:
clothes-you prefer to be naked, getting your diaper changed, dogs (you like to look at them but scream if they get near you), being left inside when others go outside, not getting to do everything Grey does

We kind of missed your one year doctor's appointment with our crazy schedule but made it in at 15 months. Here were the stats:

Weight: 21 pounds (19%)
Height: 31 inches (62%)

You are such an amazing little girl. You definitely keep us on our toes but we love every minute of it!

I really hate waking up a sleeping baby!!
 Reading while waiting for the doctor
 Spinning the chair
 Moments like this, I just look at her and wonder where my baby went!
 Picking flowers at the park
 Running so fast!
 Love going on walks
She thinks she can ride the scooter just like Grey!

 Of course, eating dirt. Imagine that.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so cute, I love reading these blogs, can't wait to see all of you next month.
Love the haircut too