Sunday, September 12, 2010

Girls (AKA TODDLER) Weekend-Tahoe 2010

Do you remember this from last year?
(From L to R): Andrew, Jared, Brewer, Hayley, & Grevin

Well, it is amazing the difference a year makes!
(From L to R in order of birth):  Andrew, Hayley, Grevin, Jared, Brewer

Grey- 2009 (5 months)

Grey- 2010 (18 months)

Friday morning, Grey and I headed up to Tahoe for our second annual girls' weekend.  Truthfully, it is not about the girls but about the fun and chaos 5 toddlers can create!  Amazingly enough, they all got along really well and we had lots of fun exploring the local discovery museum, the chocolate bar at the village in Northstar, the woods behind the condo, and the kids' zone play area at the wine and food festival at Northstar (unfortunately the mommy's were not able to partake in the wine and food part of this but the kids had fun getting balloon animals from a guy on stilts, being serenaded with "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" from a guy with a guitar and a microphone, and playing in bubbles.  It was nonstop fun that started every day at 6 am-even including a bath where one of the kiddos pooped in it!

I am so glad we take the time to do this as Paige and Hayley live in Colorado, Ali and Jared live in Nevada, and Michelle and Brewer live in the south we hardly ever get to see them other than this weekend. (of course we see Michelle and Andrew every week but it is fun to get away with them!) Grey and I almost did not go because he was sick but after talking to everyone, they didn't mind the snot and wanted us to come and play...and I am so glad we did! 

Here are just a few of the 450+ pictures of the weekend.....


Watch out for the floaters!!!


Ali C. said...

Thanks for coming! It was great to see you and Grey. It wasn't nearly as chaotic as I thought it might be!

Tania said...

SO Cute! Looks like you had a great time!

Michelle Wing said...

I had so much fun and can't wait for the craziness again next year! When do we get to start leaving the kids at home and start having a real girls weekend again?

Bill and Paige said...

so glad you guys came. we had so much fun! miss my little snuggle bug already...i know he misses me too :)

Jill said...

Grey's combover in that first picture still cracks me up! He just looks so different now. I can't believe it's been a year! I also can't believe that I don't get to do something like this with all my Mommy tradition starting soon!