Monday, November 15, 2010

Tahoe-November 2010

Another great weekend in Tahoe! The big boys (aka dads) were all out playing for their annual pumpkin hunt weekend so the girls decided to take the babies to Tahoe for a nice “relaxing” weekend. Of course with 4 kids that are 2 years and under, it is never relaxing…but it is always fun and quite the adventure!

We were surprised when we pulled up the condo on Thursday to see snow on the ground. The boys headed straight for it and it took a lot of tears and bribery to get them to come in. They loved knocking down the icicles on the outside of the condo, throwing snow, making foot prints, finding sticks, and just running around like crazy boys! They could have stayed out there all day, every day and didn't even care if it was dark.

Friday morning, Ali and Jared came up as well as Priscilla and Sophia. The kids played great together and for the most part let the mommy’s hang out and chat. We made it back to the Discovery Museum in Truckee where Grey had a lot of fun participating in the art projects: creating finger painted turkeys, water painting lanterns and leaves, and his favorite activity, playing with a pumpkin. He kept asking if he could paint the pumpkin and even tried to paint me at one point! Grey had lots of fun playing with the train table, too, this time.  Unfortunately, the ski season starts next weekend so everything was really quiet as the resort was "closed" until then.  We had to drive up the Northstar village for a drink (a sparkling water for me) at the Chocolate Bar, our favorite hang out. Even the Chocolate Bar was only serving drinks and no food. Luckily, we were the only one's there so it didn't feel too weird to bring 4 strollers into the bar with us! 

It was such a fun time and the kids played so well together...other than Grey trying to knock over anything that Andrew was building with his blocks. Grey and Andrew even shared a room this time and slept pretty well. We woke up to both of them jumping in the pack'n'plays but luckily it was after 6:30 am! That is amazing for Tahoe considering one of them is usually awake around 5 :)

 Cuddling with Ali!
 Enjoying the Chocolate Bar
 yummy lemons!

 Grey loves tackling Andrew
 Sophia REALLY liked Michelle's lasagna!
 painting lanterns
 Grey loves pumpkins
 The best train table ever

 Grey and I visited the fire station when everyone else went to town. Grey liked the fire truck but was more excited about the front loader they used to remove snow :)

 Sticks and Snow-could anything else be more fun??

Thanks, Andrew (and Michelle and every one else!), for another fun filled adventure weekend!

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