Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Worst Parents In the World Award Goes To...US!

Ok, I really didn't want to put this up because we are still feeling major guilt over this. Poor Grey got his first burn on the Friday night after Thanksgiving. Adam decided to do a small fireworks display in his backyard ( little fountains, poppers, snakes, other little ground fireworks). It was the first time Grey got to see fireworks since he is usually in bed by 7 and it doesn't get dark until much later when you typically get to see fireworks. They brought out the sparklers and the bigger kids were playing with them. We were handed one and we talked to Grey about how it was hot and not to touch and we held his hands down so he would not even be tempted to touch them. He was loving it! They passed out the second round of sparklers and Zippy went to hand one off while still holding Grey and Grey reached up and grabbed the sparkler part.

Poor guy, he was sobbing but would stop when we would run water over it and when we were putting some stuff on it but anytime anyone looked at him or asked him about it, he would start crying again. Grey and I headed off to bed to read books and I thought it would be a long night because burns HURT...but typical Grey, within 5 minutes of reading, was laughing and goofing around with me. We finished our books, I put him in his pack'n'play and he slept all night long.  He is fascinated with it now and it doesn't seem to bother him and he loves it when we put gauze and tape over it. He walks around so proud.

Needless to say, we get the bad bad parents of the year award for this one...


Ali C. said...

Battlescars! I am sure I will burn my child with my hot coffee one morning! Glad he isn't hurting anymore!

Bill and Paige said...

ouch!! poor little guy. hope it heals quickly!

Rory Devine said...

aaww little man! come down and cuddle with us!! youll feel better :) xoxoxo

Michelle Wing said...

Seriously, and I let you watch my child overnight?!