Monday, November 8, 2010

Mommy Moment

There are moments in your life that let you know that you are a mom. One of those moments happened Sunday for us at Costco. Grey started getting a runny nose on Saturday afternoon but seemed fine other than that-we just thought it was because we were hanging out at a house with a cat. Well, he started coughing later that night and didn't sleep well (probably didn't help with the time change!). The next morning, he was still stuffed up, lots of congestion, but was his normal self.

After his nap on Sunday, we headed to Costco with Zippy. We wandered the Christmas aisles, daydreaming of what Santa might bring us and thinking about reindeer and Christmas trees. We finished our shopping after snacking our way through Costco. We were standing in the massive check out line...probably the longest I had seen in a long time there...when Grey proceeded to gag. Well, the gagging quickly turned into vomiting so what is a mom to do? Hold out both hands and catch!

Luckily we were at Costco and they have strategically placed trash cans all around us so as I go to unload my catch, Zippy takes my place and we alternate until he finally stops. The people around us were nice enough to get us paper towels but paper towels really did not do much! Grey and I headed, covered in vomit to the car and waited for Zippy to check out....

Moments like these make me realize I am definitely a mom. Who else would catch your vomit and cuddle with you in the middle of Costco while both covered in vomit?


Tania said...

OH NO!! I hope he's feeling better and that you don't get sick too :( I've got a tummy bug also. It's definitely going around.

Michelle Wing said...

Wow, you get the mom of the year award! I think I would have run away screaming. I'm gagging just reading about it.

Jill said...

Ooh that is awful! I'm pretty darn sure that my first instinct would have been to jump out of the way...not to catch it! lol Hope he is feeling better!!

Ali C. said...

Awesome! I always put my hands out to cup whatever comes out of the kids mouths! It's weird that we instantly do that and don't get grossed out ourselves!

Bill and Paige said...

OMG...that beats my worst nightmare of my water breaking at costco with a full cart :) I would've just left the cart right there and ran as fast as I could! You are a better person than I am...I don't think I would've tried to catch it!

Anonymous said...

The stories you have to tell, Zip (I understand he could not keep his hands out of it) and You both should get the Parents of the Year Award.

Way to go Mommie and Daddie!!!
