Thursday, March 10, 2011

Year 2 Letter to Grevin

Dear Grey,
How did we end up here already? TWO? Of course, if we ask you how old you are, you tell us three most of the time. Your daddy has always said you were advanced :) You are such a joy to be around, it is amazing to watch you grow.

You are always busy and doing something physical. Your favorite thing is to play in the hallway at our house(it has been pouring outside so we have moved most of our outdoor activities inside!). We play football, frisbee, catch with the balloon, soccer, and even ride our bike and scooter there. The week of your birthday, you figured out how to pedal your tricycle and now you zoom through the hallway and through the kitchen. You can even steer and ride it backwards. You think it is the coolest thing ever and you will spend hours just going in circles.

You are also an amazing ball thrower. So good that we probably shouldn't allow you to do it in the house anymore because you have such a strong arm. Luckily, you have good aim so we haven't broken anything yet! We had to teach you to say "Are you ready?' before you throw because you would just beam people when they least expected it.

You still love to be outside....all day if you could.  You love going for walks in the rain and splashing in puddles or finding leaves or walnut shells to send down the water in the road to the drain. You love to climb, swing, and slide. You ask every day to go to the park. You love to feed the ducks at the park by Grammies and love it when you go for walks with her to feed carrots to the donkey (because you like to sneak a carrot for yourself!).

You can entertain yourself but you would rather be with people. You follow us around everywhere, making sure we aren't doing anything fun without you :) You are always helpful, helping with laundry, cleaning (you love to sweep so much I bought you your own handheld broom for your play kitchen), you like to put all of our shoes away, set the table, and push all the chairs in when we are done eating. I am not sure where you get this from, definitely not your momma or daddy!

Even though you are so physical, you are not a huge risk taker. You sit back with a very serious look on your face while you watch others do things that you don't know how to do. You won't even attempt doing something out of your comfort zone unless you know that you are capable of doing it. I hope you stay this way because with your physical capabilities, we would be in big trouble if you were a risk taker too!

One of the most amazing things though in the last few months is watching you become a big brother. You have taken on this role like you were born to be a big brother. You are so gentle and loving to your sister. Anytime she is awake and not wanting to eat, you ask to hold her. You could sit calmly forever with her on your lap until she starts to cry. Then you ask me to take her and give her "momma's milk". You are very thoughtful with her and give her lots of kisses, gentle touches, and make sure she is happy. I love watching you take on the role as her big brother, it suits you so well!

You are growing into such an amazing person with such enthusiasm for life. We are so lucky to be on this journey with you watching you grow!!

Love forever,
Momma & Daddy

1 comment:

Michelle Wing said...

Grey - it has been an amazing two years watching you grow. Andrew is so lucky to have you as his best friend and I am lucky to have you as my second child! We can't wait to see the fun that this year brings.
Love, Mommy #2