Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July Weekend: Day 3

We woke up early and headed out with friends to Lake Sonoma the morning of the 4th of July. I was surprised there were not that many people out on the lake. There were 3 families and 3 jetski's so we all took turns going out on the water or hanging on shore playing with the kids. Grey rode the jetski with just about everyone because he didn't want to get off. He went out first with another mom (she said she couldn't get a word out of him the whole time which for Grey means that he is having a blast!), then with Zippy, and then went back out with me without every getting off! We had set up our little area in a no wake zone and until we got to open water, all I heard was "go fast, momma, go fast!" Zoe loved hanging out on the beach, watching the other kids play and taking a little snooze in the stroller. It was a perfect 4th of July morning!

Practice racing on the jetski's the night before
 "Mrs. Ruggles" and Grey
 Trying to figure out the squirt gun
Cruising with dad

Boys and their toys :)
 The little boys trying to warm up in the sunshine, the water was ok but cold when you got out...they both were shivering! (and please ignore the big black spot in the picture, it was Zippy's finger)
 Snoozing Zoe
 Happy 4th of July!
We had to leave the lake to head down to Great Grandma and Great Grandpa's annual 4th of July/Family Reunion/Wedding Anniversary Party. It was so hot that Grey and daddy hit the pool the second we got there. Zippy asked Grey if he wanted to jump off the diving board (Grey had never gone off of one before) and he jumped in like he had always been doing it. We wanted him to get used to his life jacket because we will be going out on the boat later this month back in Missouri...and I think he will be just fine :) He figured out very quickly how to roll front to back, back to front, and how to kick to the side of the pool. He was in the pool for almost 3 hours before we convinced him to get out and have some dinner. Zoe even went in for a little dip, it was so hot out and she needed to cool off too. I forgot her hat and Grey reluctantly let her wear his...even though he wasn't wearing it, it was hard for him to hand it over to her.

 Auntie Zephy, Matt, and Zoe cooling off in the a/c!
After we got back home that evening, I realized I did not get any pictures of both of the kids together. This is as good as I could get because Grey was wiped out from such a busy day! He of course is wearing his USA soccer jersey!!
Zoe was a little more cooperative for her first 4th of July photo shoot!

But not much!

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