Friday, July 1, 2011

Soccer Jerseys

Grey is beyond obsessed with soccer jerseys(and one lonely 49er jersey) and has been for awhile. It is a really good thing that we have at least 6 of them so they can get washed in time to wear again.  Some of our biggest blow ups have been not having a clean soccer jersey. He also has decided that if it gets wet, he needs to change....he will go to change his clothes at least 3 times a day. I wish we hadn't taught him how to get himself dressed and where his clothes are!!


Ali C. said...

Jared much rather just be naked.
Good to know now what I can send him :)

Bill and Paige said...

can you send me any extras? Hayley needs to look the partat socer next wek! We'll send a prett skirt for zoe to reolace it :)