Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Grey's first day of school

I can't believe today is actually already here. I didn't think much of it when I was looking for preschool's for Grey because it was only a couple of hours a couple days a week....and he had been going to Grammie's every day since he was 4 months old. But when I kissed him goodbye and started to walk out to the car, I couldn't stop crying! He looked so big and so comfortable at school it made me realize how much he really has grown and how he is ready for this next step towards independence.

He helped pick out a picture to take with him to put in his cubby (so he can see which cubby was his) and he chose a picture from last summer from girl's weekend...almost a year ago! This was the picture he chose because it had the ambulances in it :)


In typical Grey fashion, he hit the door running and never looked back. I had to chase him down to give him a hug and a kiss goodbye.  Daddy decided to meet me to pick him up to see how the day had gone and to check out the school. When it was time to go, Grey didn't want to leave! I am so proud of our little guy.

And of course, the little stinker was so excited he wouldn't let me get a good first day of school picture! Plus, he loved holding his picture and didn't want to put it down...he wanted to bring it home with him but he got to bring home a picture from his first day there at the school playing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jen, that brings tears to my eyes too. So cute
love the stories
Aunt bj