Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Grevin: 2.5 Years

Dear Grevin:
We are officially half way through the "terrible twos."  Lucky for us, they have not been "terrible" in the way of you misbehaving all the time but more  it is just incredible how much energy you have. Will you please share some with me?? From the second you wake up until the moment you go to bed, you are running, jumping, skipping, galloping, hopping, climbing, moving, moving and moving.You run laps around the house. Just for fun. Giggling the whole time!

You have jumped into the role of big brother like you didn't know anything different. Now that Zoe is moving, you are not 100% sure of sharing your toys but will find something for her to play with if she has something that you want. You also are her defender. We were with a bunch of other kids, one of them took a toy from Zoe, and you made sure to raise the biggest stink until he gave it back to her. You could care less if someone takes something from you (most of the time) but they better watch out when they mess with your sister! Most of the time you are really gentle with her but there are some times that you just can't control your energy and you tackle her to the ground in an attempt to give her a hug and kiss. Luckily, she thinks this is hilarious but it lands you in at least one time out a day. You are trying to teach her things now too. Like how to walk. How to climb stairs. How to use sign language. You have to try her food before she eats it, you want to make sure its not poisoned, right?

You have been wearing big boy underwear now for almost 2 weeks. I can't believe how easy it has been. Like many things, we have been dreading making a transition with you but you take change with ease. You seriously amaze me with your easy going, adaptive attitude. Something new? BRING IT ON you say!

We started gymnastics a couple weeks ago and you have found your place. Anywhere you can run, jump, hang off of things, bear crawl, test your strength and balance is a good place for you! You are the only boy out of the 5 kids in the class and the other mom's always giggle when it is your turn to do something. The girls just don't have your energy level and they laugh as you just fling your body into what ever you are doing with no thoughts or cares in the world. Like the other day, we were on the long trampoline and the teacher was having every one do different kinds of jumps all the way down the trampoline and then land on their feet on the mat. Every time you would start jumping, the teacher would remind you what you needed to do and as you would try to do it (a tuck jump) you would go flying one way then another, falling backwards, falling onto the mats on the side, with the biggest grin on your face and kept trying even though you couldn't quite tuck and land back on your feet. As you got to the end, you would FLING your body head first into the mat and body slam yourself to the ground. Part of me says I need to teach you to control this crazy energy but then again, I do not want you to lose it either. There will be a day when it will be gone and I will miss it.

You are really getting into the swing of things at school. There were a couple days of tears when you were not feeling well but it didn't take long to get over that. You come home singing songs, wanting to play with your play-do, and telling us how much fun you had playing. Your teacher says you spend most of your indoor time though cleaning up the whole bin of blocks you like to dump out. Outdoors, you are climbing, sliding, and of course riding the scooter which is your favorite.

You are sleeping in your big boy room and have started to request that we leave your door open. Not really sure where this came from but you still stay in bed and yell "daddy, I am awake" in the morning and don't even try to get out of bed. At night, you are starting to read your books to us. I am usually putting Zoe down and I love to listen to your cute little voice through the wall "bwown, baw, bwown baw, what u see?" or "plan the woad, plan the woad, mawk it on the map, ping pang tap!" You are growing up so much!!

You fill our lives with so much positive intense energy. Our days are full of laughter and teasing. We are so lucky to watch you grow into a big boy!


Lovin' on ZJ
 Making silly faces with Auntie

Such a silly boy!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i am so glad you continue to do this, it really makes me feel like we are a part of his lives, miles away.
love to all, aunt barbara