Monday, September 26, 2011

Zoe: 7 months

Zo Zo,
I think this month has flown by faster than any so far! You are getting so big, so quick, and I really wish there was a way to slow down time.

You had your very first really bad cold this month. It turned into an ear infection and you had your first dose of antibiotics. Poor girl! You liked to take your antibiotics though, so it wasn't too bad and it seemed to help out quite a bit. Your sleeping skills completely tanked and I am *hoping* that we will slowly get away from the up every 2 hours and actually screaming for 1-2 hours at 3 am before falling back asleep. Just this week, you have done one 6 hour stretch and one 8 hour stretch. You are not consistent at all about it but maybe one day it will get better!

I think you are getting a little separation anxiety. Maybe its because you have been sick most of this month or because you are anxious about your new skills that allow you to have alot of independence. If you see me walk out of the room, you sometimes cry...but if I get out before you see me, you are okay...until you see me walk back in! It breaks my heart...and it makes it really hard to do anything but hold you.

If I have to do something like pull dinner out of the oven, you will make your way by yourself to find me...right up the stairs from the family room (all 4 stairs)! I panicked the first time you did it. You had been protest crying and I started to head back down to get you and almost tripped over you at the top of the stairs. I guess it really is time now for baby gates! But I can't figure out where to get a baby gate that isn't toddler proof since your brother needs to have access to the play room....

You are pulling yourself up on everything now. You like to let go with one hand and balance. It doesn't matter how many times you fall down, you will just get back up and do it again. My favorite thing now is that you like to climb all over Grey...I kept telling him that you would eventually get him back! He thinks its hilarious and will lay down in front of you while saying "Zoe, come climb on me!!"

Besides trying to stand on your own and crawl upstairs, you have also started to wave. It is the straight arm wave but it is definitely a wave :) When someone waves back at you, you get all shy and stick your hand straight into your mouth. You also make this kissing noise to get our attention. If we ask you to blow kisses to us, you will do it too. Soooo sweet :)

You have started doing the cutest thing ever. You have found out how to blow raspberries, but not just the noisy ones while you eat your dinner. You will do it on any exposed skin, most of the time its on my chest/shoulder as I carry you around. You grin and just  keep doing it. Cracks me up!

One of your favorite things to do now is to be upside down. We have to be careful when we hold you as you will just throw yourself back. You love to sit on my lap and hang upside down off of my legs and watch Grey run around. The world must look very interesting from that angle!

Geez, as I write this letter, I keep thinking of more and more new things you are doing. Seriously, how can all this happen in ONE MONTH??? You seriously amaze me. I am in awe...


I really need to find a time when Grey isn't around to take your picture with the giraffe. He wanted to pose with Elmo too this time.

 This is the only one I got with just you and the giraffe-sorry it's so blurry!!
 Love that grin
 This face is sooo you.
 You are going to have a new auntie. Check out that rock!
 Playing ball with brother and modeling the bow from Paige
 You have been waiting 7 months to do this...
 I could have waited another 7 months before you started doing this...
 and love to crawl over anything you can find...and land on your head on the other side

 Your brother is hysterical
 See! That face again!!
 Trying puffs for the first time
 upside down sleeping...


Ali Colato, owner said...

Happy 7 Months! Your milk must have some extra special hormones in it that makes her do everything way too fast!!!

Anonymous said...