The town of Cotati held a tree lighting ceremony and the fire station held an open house afterwards with hot chocolate, cookies, and a visit with Santa. What better way to spend a Wednesday night than celebrating the Christmas season? So, Michelle and I packed up the kids and headed downtown for dinner and the festivities.
Well, we didn't end up seeing the tree lighting. It got pretty crowded fast and with it being dark, it was hard to keep an eye on three antsy kids while waiting for them to go through the Chamber members and announcements so we decided to walk on over to the fire station to enjoy some
firemen fire trucks and see if Santa had arrived yet.
Best buddies waiting in line for Santa!

Well, while we were waiting in line for Santa..a funny thing happened. Grey had to go potty. That is not the funny part...just wait. I am wearing Zoe and we go to find the potty in the fire house-no, I do not try to dunk Zoe in the potty like Brandon did camping-and we make it just in time. Grey does his thing, we go to look for the sink but there is none in there since there is a shower instead. We head out to the kitchen and find the sink, wash up, and head back out to cut back into line. While we were in there, the lighting must have happened because the place was PACKED with people. I grab Grey's hand and we managed to squeeze our way through and back into our prime location near the front of the line with Santa. Then, I hear from behind us a few people back, a little boy say, " look, mom, that boys pants are down! I can see his butt!" Hmm....major mom fail! I thought he had pulled his pants up and hadn't even noticed that his pants and underwear were around his ankles!! I got them back up and Michelle and I could were trying not to laugh but couldn't help it and were crying from laughing so hard!! It is a good thing he didn't care or even seem to notice because that could have been embarrassing!!

Santa finally arrived and we got to get our pictures with him in the fire house. Grey asked him for a tool bench (but he already has one?!!) and Zoe was not impressed with Santa. It was still alot of fun and many great memories were created for everyone!
Oh man, I thought the first time you told me it was just his pants, not Underwear to with a bear butt, pictures would have been cute, but extremely embarrassing for Grey (that is if he get's embarrassed, to much like his daddy to that though I think)....Love to you all Daddio GG
I'm still laughing so hard! What kind of mom lets her kid run around without pants?! :)
oh no! Thank goodness 2 year olds enjoy being naked!!!
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