Monday, December 26, 2011

Zoe: 10 Months

Dear Zoe,

Wow how time flies. Each day you are one step closer to leaving babyhood and it is so bitter sweet. I love watching you discover the world around you as each day you learn so much but it also means those cute little baby cuddles and coos will soon just be a faint memory.

Then I remember you DON'T DO cute little baby noises any more! You are all about raspberries and SCREAMING. You scream when you want something, you scream when you are mad, you scream when you are happy, you scream when you don't get your way, when I walk out of the room, and you scream in delight. It really is crazy how stinkin' loud you are.  I am pretty sure I know where you learned it though...your brother is not know for being a quiet child either!

You are also taking your first steps out of babyhood. Literally. You have taken 2 steps by yourself so far. You LOVE to furniture cruise and you are always looking for fingers to hold so you can "walk" somewhere. I think you would be walking alot better by now if your brother would quit knocking you down every time he sees you try to walk or cruise the furniture. I don't think he is ready for you to be able to keep up with him! You have gotten really good at reaching up onto of anything you can reach and just grabbing anything you can find. You are seriously into everything.

My favorite "trick" you have learned this month is to point. Your favorite things to point out to me are the lights and any house plants you can find (in other people's houses of course because I can barely keep my children alive much less a plant!). Grandpa says you are trying to teach me about photosynthesis! Maybe you can help me keep a house plant alive one day. I love how pointing really opens up the door for me to see how you see the world. I am always so fascinated to see what catches your eye that I may have overlooked.

You are a dancing fool. Anytime you hear music or someone sings, you start bopping your little body to the tune. You even do a happy dance in your high chair that is ADORABLE. Your favorite song right now is "Bring Me Sunshine" by the Jive Aces. You ask for it again and again by pointing to my computer and swaying side to side. When it starts, you squeal in delight! When daddy is home, we have a dance party to this song every night after dinner.

You are up to 3 signs. You say "all done" "more" and "dog." You like to see dogs but run screaming when they come near you because you HATE HATE HATE to be licked. We learned that very quickly when Bella came to stay with us for a week. You loved being near her but would panic anytime she would walk near you.

You are sleeping so much better-usually 7:30 to 5:30 then back to sleep after a quick nurse and wake up around 6:30 for the day. There is still a day or two that you wake up around 1 to eat but that is getting rare. And speaking of nursing, you are such a silly girl. Your favorite position to nurse in right now is downward dog. You are seriously a nut! It makes for some interesting times when I try to nurse you when we are out in public...

ZoZo, you are my favorite little girl in the whole world. Thank you for bringing your sunshine into our lives. You are so silly and fill our house with lots of laughter. And screams...

Hugs & Kisses,

Foot tastes just as yummy!
 Silly girl playing with the empty shampoo bottle!
Uh oh! 
 Love this girl!
 Loves to eat big food like everyone else!
 Hard work being such a cutie!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

so so sweet, she is so lucky to have such a devoted mom. I love the stories,pictures, and thid blog, because i feel like I can see and hear about all of you.
love and misses
Aunt Barbara