Tuesday, December 27, 2011

We Had a Merry Christmas!

I am always in awe after the holidays are over. I miss my family terribly during this time of year but the DeShazers have more than made me one of their own. The love they have for me and my family is overwhelming at times. It was a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas filled with lots of laughter and hugs and snuggles...and ALOT of wrapping paper.

We started out our holiday weekend by heading to Snoopy's Ice Rink in Santa Rosa for some indoor iceskating. Grey loved being out on the ice but didn't quite have the balance thing down yet. His favorite part was riding around on the chair as daddy and I took turns pushing him around! Grammie came to watch and played with Zoe. Zoe loved watching everyone skate and couldn't figure out why she could not join us!

We headed off to the DeShazer Family Christmas after naps. I don't think we saw much of Grey as he played with all of his cousins except when he kept asking to open presents. He loved opening all the gifts, my favorite part was when he would open something and say, "oh my goodness! Look momma!!" It was so stinking cute. His favorite part was literally opening the presents this year. Luckily, Zoe was too little to open hers so he got to open all of them too. He would pull out a gift, go find Zoe, and show it to her. So sweet! All Zoe wanted to do was EAT the wrapping paper so we were constantly pulling stuff out of her mouth the entire time.

We headed home after that to leave out some cookies and eggnog (Grey insisted that we were suppose to leave a smoothie-that is what he thinks is in the cup on The Polar Express but I convinced him that Santa would like eggnog better as it was already 8:30). Luckily, Uncle Tyler and Aunt Rory came over to spend the night because Santa left alot of items that needed assembled. Santa's helpers finally finished it all about 12:30

Both kids were excited to see that Santa came while they were sleeping. Zoe was so excited, she was up at 5:30! You can tell Brandon looked thrilled!
Santa brought extra stockings for Uncle Tyler, Aunt Rory, & Delilah their dog!

This was Grey most of the morning on Christmas, slippers & a tool belt. What else does a boy need?

Grey would keep offering us his tools when we were trying to get something out for him. At one point, I was opening up his walkie talkies he got. I told him we needed to wait for daddy because I needed a little screw driver so he brought me his. When I showed him it wouldn't work because it was too big and the screw was too little, he said, "ok, momma, I will go get my drill!" Love that kid :)
First Daddy and Daughter tea party
I think Zoe loves the fire station more than Grey!
Zoe was so tired, she passed out on my bed while we were getting ready to head over to Great Grandma Weirich's house. We spent most of Christmas day there. It was fun but a little sad since it was the first Christmas without Great Grandpa.
And a boy can never leave home without his drill.

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