Grammy came over to watch Grey Friday night while we went to dinner and a comedy show with the Wings. It was Michelle's last weekend as a 20-something so we helped her go out with a bang! (and we were still home by 10:30!)
The girls before the show
We woke up early like always Saturday morning. We rode our bikes downtown to get coffee and people watch. Then we walked over to the Farmer's Market with Shelly and Ruby to get butternut squash for soup. Ruby stayed and played-with Grey showing her all his toys and how to go through the tunnel. They had lots of fun and Grey was worn out from playing. He finally fell asleep for his afternoon nap around 4, and at 5, I tried to wake him up with no luck. I woke him again at 7 to change his diaper and put his pjs on...and he went back to sleep until 5:30 am. He woke up long enough to eat and then went back to bed until 7:45 am!! YIKES!! He was such a tired guy.
On Sunday, we wanted to meet our newest friend, Anouk, Flether's little sister. Since Grevin seems to have a constant runny nose, we decided it was best not to have him come with us so he stayed with his first non-family babysitter...ANDREW!
Anouk was such a sweetie, I forgot how little newborns are! She was born Monday, January 11th...or 011110 at 12:59 am. She loved to cuddle and sleep and I really don't remember Grey being that small. But I guess he wasn't ever that small...she was 7 lbs 10 oz...19 inches long while Grey was 9 lbs 13 oz, 23 inches long! Fletcher is such a great older brother, showering her with kisses and being delicate with all her little fingers and toes.
The sweet little family
(majority of photos courtesy of Michelle Wing)
Wow, I can't believe I got photo credit! Were you scared I was going to sue you for copywrite infrigment? Thanks so much for spending my birthday with me. I had so much fun.
I'm tired just reading everything you did!
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