Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Grevin's signing vocabulary is EXPLODING. He reluctantly did "more" as his offical first sign and now will do "more food" anytime he sees anything he wants to eat. Luckily, it has gone beyond that. I think he is picking up about a word a day right now. Here is the list of words that he will sign:
all done
brush teeth

He also understands the concept of signs and how a hand movement can communicate meaning. Unfortunately, he thinks he can communicate with me by just flapping his arms around! When he wakes up in the morning and I am changing his diaper, his hands go like crazy. I am not sure if he is cussing me out because he doesn't like it or if he is telling me how much he loves me.

I love signing with him, he gets the BIGGEST grin on his face when you understand what he is trying to communicate.  The problem is that most of the signs are done in front of your body with both hands with slight difference in how you move your hands and what you do with your fingers.  His dexterity just isn't there yet.  Luckily, he can grasp what he is trying to say by context. I guess it isn't that different though from learning to talk.  Like ba-ba could mean ball, bye, bottle depending on the context it is used. 

Here are a couple of signs that I got on video:


"CAT" (not the 'official' sign but his sign for it)


Bill and Paige said...

That's awesome!! Buggy only knows 3 signs. More because she always wants more food. All done...but her sign is just to throw the leftover food on the ground. And milky...but her sign is just pulling down my shirt and putting her head in there:)

Okay, so I guess that just makes 1, but the others count, right?

Michelle Wing said...

He is so smart!! He must take after his mommy! ;)

Jill said...

I love it! He is doing great! It's soo much fun to communicate with the signs. Go Grey!