Sunday, January 10, 2010

10 months

Dear Grevin,

The biggest changes this last month have been in communication. You are doing the signs for "more," "all done," and "drink." You understand simple commands like "get your ball", "feet first," "let's take a bath", "let's let the dogs out" and you are trying to communicate more each and every day. I am rethinking teaching you the "more" sign though because every time we walk into the kitchen or you see food, you start doing it and pointing at everything you want to eat! You get really upset if we have something we don't share with you...I have tried reasoning with you that almonds probably are not the best thing for you but you just won't listen! You really love your food...even though we have found one thing you won't eat, eggs!You tried some and as soon as you put it in your mouth, you stuck out your tongue and tried pulling it out with your hands. Hmmm, guess we will try that again later!

Daddy and I also decided that you should sleep in your own bed so you can get a better nights sleep. The first night was rough, your dad slept on the floor in your room so he could rub your back when you woke up all night long. But by the next night you were able to get yourself back to sleep in under 10 minutes. Some nights don't go as smoothly as others and I miss cuddling with you all night but I know it is better in the long run. I checked with a few colleges and they highly discourage bringing your mom with you to the dorms so I guess we better get used to not sleeping together anymore. On the 6th night of sleeping in your bed, you slept from 7 pm until 6 am without a peep!

The downfall of you sleeping through the night though is that you are not nursing all night long. My milk is decreasing and we are starting to have to supplement with formula during the day with Grammy. Luckily, though, Grammy says you LOVE it so I just need to get over the fact that you are growing up. Needless to say, it has made me very sad. I really enjoy nursing you and that special you and me time. Plus, it is just one of many first steps towards you being an independent little person. I am afraid that I will blink and you will be raising kids of your own!!

You have officially decided that Grandpa DeShazer is your favorite person in the whole wide world. If he walks into the room, you light up and will follow him, pulling yourself up on his legs until he picks you up. He was home from school during the holidays and Grammy said you would crawl down to his office to see if he was in there. You would sit outside his office until he said you could come in. If he walks by while anyone else is holding you, you lunge at him trying to get into his arms. It is just too cute!

You love to give kisses and we love to receive them! You also learned where our nose was so if we ask you where our nose is, you like to kiss it. And by kissing, I mean that you come at us with a wide open mouth like you are going to swallow us whole!!

You are trying to do more and more every day and sometimes you get really really frustrated when you can't do it. You plop back on your bottom, hang your head, and pout for a few seconds. Then you try again! It is really hard not to laugh when your little lip sticks out :)

I remember last year around this time I was looking forward to your arrival. It seemed like everything was downhill once the holidays were over and I knew I would be meeting you very soon. I wondered if you were a boy or a girl; what color your eyes would be; what your smile would look like; would you be outgoing, shy, reserved, active?; how was life going to change and how were we going to adjust to being a family of three? Now, I have a hard time imagining what life was like before you came!

I love you so much, Grey!!
Sleeping with dad after I left for work

You love your play structure!! But you like to take your things up to the top with you and the soccer ball is too big for you to do by yourself, you get sooo mad!

Helping yourself to a little snack

I love that happy face!


Ali C. said...

we've made it to the double digits! can't believe how much communication he has understood! That's amazing. J knows "arms up" so we can pick him up....that's about it. Oh, and NO. That's a big one in our house! Can't wait to see Grey again. Hopefully when I am in town next month.

Bill and Paige said...

you clearly didn't consult with me on sleeping with him in the dorms!! although Hayley doesn't sleep with me now, she will when we go to college and share a dorm together. I figured while she gets her BA I can get my masters:)

He's getting so big. I love his big smile!!

Michelle Wing said...

Grevin, could you possibly get any cuter?! You've had a very big month. I can't wait to hear about what you start doing this month. Maybe you'll take a step or two...