Wednesday, February 10, 2010

11 months

Dear Grevin,
This month has been great and full of lots of laughs-especially from you! You have decided you are a comedian. You like to do silly things to make us laugh. Just little things here and there: like when you say you are "all done" with dinner and you help me take the tray off of your high chair. You like to push it and then pull it back a little and you think it is SOOO funny; like when you mimic us...."ummm" and start doing that infectious belly laugh; when you try to tickle us, splash in the tub,  when you try to find everyone's belly button...the list goes on. I love that you are so happy and that you find the world around you so much fun.

Something else that I have noticed this month, nothing seems to scare you. You love new things, new surroundings, new people.  Even though nothing seems to scare you, you do not seem to be pushing the limits to where you are constantly injuring yourself, falling off things, etc. It seems to be a perfect balance so far. (daddy says I am jinxing us by saying this...!)

You are much more aware of how others are feeling and when you are "in trouble." We were reading a pop up book and you started to tear one of the pop ups...and I told you that you can't tear it up. You burst into tears, burying your head in my chest. Needless to say, you don't pull as hard anymore! One morning, we were cuddling in bed and you were pinching daddy and me. I said you can't do that because it hurts and you would have thought we had beat you with a stick! Then another time you accidentally hit daddy in the face with a hard ball and it really hurt him-he said ouch and put his hands up to where it hurt-and you proceeded to burst into tears and just wanted to cuddle with would have thought it was YOU who had gotten hurt!!

You have become book obsessed (maybe because you actually got to spend time with your Auntie this month?). The second you wake up, you look at your bookshelf and start signing book. If you find one on the floor, you bring it over to me. You have about 4 or 5 books you absolutely love and if it isn't one of those, you can usually make it about 15 seconds before going on to something else. 

You are also taking a few "steps". I don't know if I can call them your first steps though because usually it consists of you flinging your body to the next closest object. I think you just cross your fingers, say a little prayer and hope something will break your momentum as you take one or two steps before leaping onto the next person or closest piece of furniture. Everything has become a walker that isn't nailed to the ground-you will scoot anything around that you can-laundry baskets, suitcases, coolers, your play tables. You smile SO BIG as you scoot around the house.

You also love to be outside. You don't care if it is raining, if it is cold or if you don't even have socks on. You will actually cry when I shut the front door because you want to go outside so badly. I can't wait for the weather to get better because I really don't want to go sit out in the rain!! You have found our "rock" garden in the front yard and you love to pick up all the rocks, hit them together, throw them, and carry them into the house. Hopefully this rains stops soon and we can go back to spending all of our free time outside. You are going to LOVE the summer!

I can't believe the next letter I write to you will be for your FIRST birthday!  Where has the year gone??  I look forward to what this next month has in store for us. 

I love you through and through.



Anonymous said...

The last picture is perfect. Today while I was trying to feed him his oatmeal he kept grabbing the spoon. He is the most happy boy because he gets to spend so much time with his Grammie. I am so lucky. We do have fun.

Tania said...

11 months! Wow!! Love those photos!

Michelle Wing said...

Just wait...he will be jumping off the highest thing in your house with no fear any day now!

Ali C. said...

I see you tried to get him to take a picture next to the soccer ball.