Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Grevin has had a little cold for the last couple of days so he has stayed bundled in his footie jammies. Other than his cough and chest congestion, he seems just fine! Here are a few of his favorite things lately....including the background 80's music. I was flipping through the music channels and he started dancing when I got to the 80's. He protested when I went to change it so lately it has been an 80s dance party at our house!

He found his sunglasses and loves to try to put them on...

He has also started to say "light"...well, it actually sounds like "lye-ah" but he points to what he means!

He has also started to put his head on the ground like he sleeping while he is playing. I am not sure if this is because his head hurts from the cold he has or if his teeth are bothering him...or if he takes after his dad and is just weird...
Here are some other random pictures, too...
I love that smile!

1 comment:

Bill and Paige said...

I'm voting for weird like dad:)