Monday, February 22, 2010

This diaper was made for walkin'!

Grevin has decided to take his first steps into toddlerhood. My baby is almost gone! He has been leaping from people to furniture for about a month and has been getting steadier day by day. He loves going back and forth between us as long as it suits him :) He also tends to go fast and fall face first (I think from using the walkers!) when he is in a hurry. When we put him in shoes, we had been putting him in size 3 because the 4.5 we have would fall off of his foot. We went to Stride Rite to see what size he was wearing and it turns out he is a 5! The 4.5 had been falling off of him because they were wides. I guess we won't be getting hand-me down shoes from Andrew anymore :( His mommy has such good taste in shoes, too! My heart almost stopped when we paid for these new first shoes...on sale they were $50! That would be great if he could wear them for a year but she said that he would grow about half a shoe size every two months until he is 3. If we do the math, at $50 a pair, 12 pairs by the time he is 3...that is $600. Hmm...I am thinking he can go barefoot...he really doesn't like wearing shoes anyways!

This is Grey walking when he gets tired of us making him go back and forth..and just wants to crawl away and play :)


Michelle Wing said...

Buying shoes is super expensive! You should try the Stride Rite outlet store in Petaluma. The shoes there are a lot cheaper. I can't wait to see him walking on Friday. Grammie won't know what to do with the two boys running around the house!

The DeShazers said...

I just saw they had an outlet in Petaluma...good to know. I was also seeing where else I could get them online and if they would be cheaper :)

A Mother's Nature said...

I went to stride rite too to have Eva fitted when we were getting ready to purchase walking shoes. We tried some on, then I went home and found them on Ebay (brand new!) for less than 1/2 the price. That's the way to go :) Yay Grevin for walking! What a biig boy!

Tania said...

Robbies are the way to go at first, those stride right shoes are so stiff and way too expensive. Those little baby feet need some room to move around for awhile yet anyway. Some of the consignment stores sell gently used robbies for pretty cheap.

Go Grey Go!!

Unknown said...
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The DeShazers said...

We have about 10 pairs of robeez but they leave marks on the tops of his feet-even the 18mth size ones. I got the sensor technology ones at stride rite and they have ALOT of flexibility on them. Most of the time he is barefoot anyways! But he is spending more and more time outside and he was getting little splinters in his feet...poor guy :(

Ali C. said...

YEAH FOR GREY!!! He's a pro at walking! He needs to teach J. J is very uninterested in doing it by himself!

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness, walking before a year old, he will probably be running on his 1st birthday. I am so glad that we have this blog, I sure do miss seeing my great nephew grow up. God Bless all of you

Jill said...

YAY GREY! Mom always gets Shane's shoes from the Stride Rite outlet in Petaluma. She gets them on sale between $15-$35 usually, Ryan goes and buys expensive $65 sneakers in the mall and I buy the cheap cute ones at Ross...hehehe!

kkp1220 said...

stride right are the best!! See Kai Run is also a good brand and I've seen them at costco for half the price!!! Can't believe he's walking out world!

(logged in on kelsey's account)