I tried to find pictures of them together but I could only find these two on my computer. Looks like I need to take more pictures!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Happy semi-retirement!
Grevin is the luckiest boy ever! His Grammie loves him SOOO much that she decided to quit working to spoil him all day long when I go back to work in a couple of weeks. Of course, she is only "semi-retiring" as she will still work in the evenings when they need her-they don't want to let her go!
I tried to find pictures of them together but I could only find these two on my computer. Looks like I need to take more pictures!

I tried to find pictures of them together but I could only find these two on my computer. Looks like I need to take more pictures!
Weekend in Tahoe
Michelle & Andrew, Ali & Jared, Michelle & Brewer, Jen & Grey
Thursday, June 25, 2009
What a sweet moment
I took a moment from packing for Tahoe this morning to nurse, cuddle,and 'talk' with Grey. He was nursing and smiled up at me...one of the most heart melting moments for a mom, and went back to nursing. Then, I hear a loud noise coming from his diaper and thought to myself that I was glad I hadn't dressed him yet for the day. He looked at me and started LAUGHING as I felt something warm on my lap.....

Needless to say, I won't be wearing these shorts today!!
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
We love our Stephy!
Grevin and I headed to Fairfield to get a Stephy-fix on Monday. Steph is going to be leaving us for a year to go to Mexico City to teach at an American School so needless to say, now that she is done with this school year, we need to try to see her as much as possible before she leaves the beginning of August! We had such a good time swimming at her moms, bbq-ing, and playing with her nieces and nephew. Grevin thought she was hilarious and absolutely loved her step dad, Enrique, who sang songs to him in Spanish. Grey just looked at him and laughed the whole time. I am so proud of Steph for going to teach abroad. She has been wanting to do it for awhile and it was perfect timing for her to go! I convinced her to start a blog Teaching in Mexico City so I can live vicariously through her this next year!!
Steph and Grey having a deep conversation
Sunday, June 21, 2009
Happy Father's Day to all the dad's in my life!
Grandpa DeShazer
Grandpa Kearney
Grandpa Oglesby
And the newest daddy in our lives...Zippy! I think I get the worst mother of the year award because, AGAIN, I forgot my camera at home today. We were on the soccer fields at 8:30 this morning and left after watching 2.5 games (around 2:30 in the afternoon). Grevin and Zippy got to enjoy lots of bonding time on the sidelines and heckle the ref. Then they came home and took a nap together! Zippy is such a awesome dad and Grevin is one lucky boy:)
Happy First Father's Day, Zippy!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Grevin LOVES books....
Zippy got to experience the joy of reading books to Grevin today! Grey and I often spend the hot afternoons in bed reading because it is the only room with a ceiling fan. He loves looking at the pictures, hearing the different 'voices' of the characters, and cuddling with mom. He does have a favorite book though....
"Yay! The monkey book!"
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
More Visitors!

Nicki came out to visit for a long weekend and we had lots of fun with her. Grevin thought she was just hilarious and was constantly flirting with her. I picked Nicki up at the airport on Wednesday and we went to Ghirardelli's in the city as it is our tradition. 10:30 am on a Wednesday morning is a great time to stop and get ice cream because no one else is there! We had the place to ourselves and enjoyed a yummy cookie sundae for brunch :-) We went wine tasting one day, to the outlets( I didn't know we had a Gymboree outlet in Petaluma!), hung out at the house, and went to Zippy's company picnic. I am glad she was here because Grevin wanted to be constantly held since he didn't feel well and my arms/back were killing me as he is such a chunk:) Thanks for coming to play!
Guess who dressed me this morning!
Saturday, June 13, 2009
This is a baby blog, right?
This wouldn't be a baby blog without the blow out pictures! This one isn't nearly as bad as Hayley's but it has been the only time that I had my camera close by. I hate changing blow outs! We were out at a soccer game last weekend and he had one. I was trying to change him in the back seat and as soon as I had his outfit off and the diaper off...he peed all over the back seat. I am glad we have leather seats! 
Teething update
On Tuesday, I was so impressed at how well Grevin was handling his tooth. Well, I think I spoke too soon. Since then he is SOO cranky and doesn't sleep well at all during the day. He is so tired and uncomfortable. He is content for awhile chewing on my fingers and his hands but his favorite thing right now is a frozen washcloth. Poor guy!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
3 months
Grevin William DeShazer.
Happy 3 months, baby boy! Can you believe how fast (again) the month has gone by? And you are growing so fast that you won't be my little baby much longer. I love every moment that I get to spend with you and seeing you discover the world around you.
This month has been full of new discoveries and adventures like always. You are getting really good with your hands. Your favorite new toy is a handful of mommy's hair! You giggle and smile constantly and LOVE it when mommy and daddy tickle your tummy or munch on your cute little feet. Your hands are fascinating and you are always surprised that they are still there later and that you can control them. Your hands are constantly in your mouth along with anything else you can get. And you are such a drool monster...because you are cutting your first tooth! I thought I had months before that would happen, but you are constantly surprising me. Luckily, you are not cranky and it doesn't seem to bother you. Your daddy thinks that once you have a tooth that you should be able to eat big people food. But what can one tooth really do??!
You can hold your head up like a champ and you LOVE to stand. If you are on anyone's lap, you would prefer to be standing on your feet rather than sitting or laying down. Your head is constantly spinning around, looking at everything, grabbing everything. Luckily, you still love to cuddle with me in between standing and exploring the world.
You love to spend time in the garden and Ado likes it, too. He throws his ball to you through the fence and looks at you patiently, waiting for you to pick it up and throw it back to him. Now you look at it and reach your little hands out, but can't quite reach it. It is good thing because that ball is disgusting! It won't be too long before you will be playing with him and making him very very happy.
You absolutely love the water-in the tub or the pool or just listening to the garden hose. We were at the pool the other day and I was holding you while your legs were in the water. I looked down and you had fallen asleep!
Of course, you are still growing like crazy. I put you on the scale this morning and you were over 16 pounds! I guess you are getting enough to eat :-)
Well, Grevy, I look forward to waking up with you tomorrow and seeing what other new things you can do to surprise me! I love you to pieces, baby boy!
Lots of hugs and kisses,
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
You can't be serious...
I have been in denial for the last few days. Grevin has been drooling like crazy, soaking his shirt with slober. "Developmentally appropriate," right? His hands are constantly in his mouth. "Developmentally appropriate," right? What is that white thing on the lower right hand corner of his gummy smile? It must be some residual spit up or something. I finally got a good feel and a good look at it today. You can't be serious...it is a freakin' tooth. Where is my baby going??!! At this rate, he will be shaving by the time I go back to work in a few weeks!
Saturday, June 6, 2009
Hello, summer!
Summer is finally here even though it hasn't felt like it the last few days. It has been rainy and overcast and cool...but we are taking advantage of the sunshine when it comes out! I am a little scared that it is June and I have to go back to work in July. We are going to enjoy every moment because it is going too fast. Our summer has started!
Zippy and I finally took the time to plant our garden. We planted tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, lemon cucumbers, peppermint, spearmint, lettuce, corn, bell peppers carrots, jalepenos, basil, corn, and we are still looking for some cilantro. Yum, yum!!
Grevin watching his daddy

One of my bestest friends, Kristie, from high school in Missouri came out to visit with her aunt and her mom. The four of us used to do girlie trips to St. Louis and Chicago during the first summers after high school. When I moved out to California, they came to visit(about 7 years ago). This time, they came out to meet Grevin for a girlie trip reunion. The weather looked like it was going to be terrible but we headed to the coast anyways. It turned out to be a beautiful day! It was Grevin's first time to the ocean and he seemed to enjoy it. The next day, we dropped Grevin off at Grammie Jane's house and went wine tasting(I didn't take my camera so I hope I can get copies of Kristie's!). We also went swimming at the hotel where they were staying. They had a heated pool and Grevin was loving floating around in his turtle floatie. Again, no camera. I am such a bad mom!! I had such a good time with them and I miss them already!
All of us at Goat Rock
Kristie and Grevin
Grevin feeling the sand between his toes for the first time
Today, we headed out to Sacramento to celebrate Jerry and Matt's birthdays. We had alot of fun hanging out with everyone, drinking sangria, and swimming in Jerry and Kim's pool(the peops who made the cute block). Matt lives just around the corner from us and has a son who is two weeks younger than Grevin. They are best buddies-they just don't know it yet!
Noa and Grevin wearing Jerry's 'bro'(his man bra...don't ask)
Zippy and I finally took the time to plant our garden. We planted tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, lemon cucumbers, peppermint, spearmint, lettuce, corn, bell peppers carrots, jalepenos, basil, corn, and we are still looking for some cilantro. Yum, yum!!
Zippy watering the garden
One of my bestest friends, Kristie, from high school in Missouri came out to visit with her aunt and her mom. The four of us used to do girlie trips to St. Louis and Chicago during the first summers after high school. When I moved out to California, they came to visit(about 7 years ago). This time, they came out to meet Grevin for a girlie trip reunion. The weather looked like it was going to be terrible but we headed to the coast anyways. It turned out to be a beautiful day! It was Grevin's first time to the ocean and he seemed to enjoy it. The next day, we dropped Grevin off at Grammie Jane's house and went wine tasting(I didn't take my camera so I hope I can get copies of Kristie's!). We also went swimming at the hotel where they were staying. They had a heated pool and Grevin was loving floating around in his turtle floatie. Again, no camera. I am such a bad mom!! I had such a good time with them and I miss them already!
All of us at Goat Rock
Noa and Grevin wearing Jerry's 'bro'(his man bra...don't ask)
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