Nicki came out to visit for a long weekend and we had lots of fun with her. Grevin thought she was just hilarious and was constantly flirting with her. I picked Nicki up at the airport on Wednesday and we went to Ghirardelli's in the city as it is our tradition. 10:30 am on a Wednesday morning is a great time to stop and get ice cream because no one else is there! We had the place to ourselves and enjoyed a yummy cookie sundae for brunch :-) We went wine tasting one day, to the outlets( I didn't know we had a Gymboree outlet in Petaluma!), hung out at the house, and went to Zippy's company picnic. I am glad she was here because Grevin wanted to be constantly held since he didn't feel well and my arms/back were killing me as he is such a chunk:) Thanks for coming to play!
Love the gymnoree outlet! Did u get good stuff? Can't wait to see u in august!
love your new picture header! I cant' wait to squeeze those cheeks:)
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