Saturday, June 20, 2009

Grevin LOVES books....

Zippy got to experience the joy of reading books to Grevin today! Grey and I often spend the hot afternoons in bed reading because it is the only room with a ceiling fan. He loves looking at the pictures, hearing the different 'voices' of the characters, and cuddling with mom. He does have a favorite book though....

"Yay! The monkey book!"

"Then what happens, daddy??!"

"Really? Oh my..."

"Wait, let's go back. I think we missed something"

"This part is the best!"

"I seriously recommend this book. It is GOOOD!"


Anonymous said...

Why is he so cute...

Michelle Wing said...

He is so darn cute! I'm glad to see he is so in love with books.

Ali C. said...

J loves his books....but those darn Dr. Suess ones are like 60 pages!

Jill said...

So cute! And just wait...pretty soon you will have books ALL OVER the house! In every single room, under your covers, in the cupboards, etc :D